Bullet hits resident’s bed in a trailer in Liberty’s section one

-Liberty’s excessively small area, living inside trailers, and prohibition of constructing buildings have made residents highly vulnerable

Camp Liberty – No. 60
On the afternoon of Tuesday, November 27, a bullet fired by a Kalashnikov from the north-east direction of Camp Liberty pierced through the ceiling of a trailer in Liberty’s section 1 and hit a resident’s bed. Fortunately, the resident was not present.

According to expert opinions, the bullet was fired from a relatively close range outside the Camp, and had it hit an individual, it would have been fatal or would have resulted in serious injuries.
Previously on September 4, a bullet that was fired from outside Camp Liberty hit the dining trailer in Liberty’s section 4, entered the dining area, damaged a section of the trailer’s wall and hit the chair and broke the dishes.
Through numerous statements and letters to the U.S. and UN officials, the Iranian Resistance has repeatedly warned that considering the very small area of Liberty and its congestion and overpopulation, and considering that all the residents live inside trailers, the residents are highly susceptible to bullets and shrapnel shells. The Iraqi government’s prohibition of construction of buildings even for the ailing residents has increased this susceptibility by several folds.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 28, 2012


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