Building school in Khalis-Iraq by the clerical regime to cover up its terrorist activities and conspiracies against Ashraf

NCRI – In order to cover up its plots against Camp Ashraf and its terrorist activities in Diyala province in Iraq, the Iranian regime’s embassy in Baghdad has started building a school in the town of Khalis, near Ashraf. The construction of this school started last year and it is supposed to be inaugurated within few days by Danaifar, the regime’s ambassador and a commander in the terrorist Qods force.


The local residents, who are outraged by the embassy’s move, refrain from participating in construction of the school and say those involved in the project are agents of the Iranian regime. Therefore, the embassy had to recruit workers from other provinces to build the school.

On January 1, Nasseri, an agent of the Qods force in the regime’s embassy, went to Khalis to meet with two other known agents of the regime by the names of Uday Khadran, the governor of Khalis, and Mullah Jabbar Maamouri, and visit the school. Uday Khadran is tasked to gather regime’s agents under the guise of Khalis inhabitants to welcome Danaifar.              
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 6, 2011

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