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Blatant plunder and usurpation of PMOI property in Camp Ashraf by Iraqi forces and Qods Force militias


NCRI – According to a report published in Iraqi Ministry of Interior website, the Iraqi forces and the terrorist militias under the command of Hadi Ameri that have occupied Camp Ashraf since several months ago and plundered its property, celebrated their “victory” on February 2 in this camp. Iraq’s Interior Minister also participated in this ceremony.

Hadi Ameri is one of the most criminal elements of the terrorist Qods Force who boasts of kissing the hand of Khamenei who is the murderer of millions of Muslims in Iran and in Arab countries. He has also been the commander of the gruesome slaughter of over 100 people in the villages of Barwanah and Shervin that shocked the world.

News reports about this ceremony and the videos published on it by the al-Iraqiya state TV and the al-Jazeera TV clearly show that the buildings, offices and the mosque built by the PMOI members in Ashraf at their own expense and toil during 26 years (1986-2012) have been usurped by the Iraqi forces and the militias affiliated with the terrorist Qods Force and all the things they are using there have been bought by PMOI (MEK).

These videos show that in various places in Ashraf the pictures of Khamenei, mullahs’ supreme leader, have been posted and this camp has practically come under the occupation of the clerical regime and the terrorist Qods Force and presently, Government of Iraq has recognized this occupation.

During the evacuation of Ashraf in September 2013, the United States, the United Nations and the Government of Iraq guaranteed to protect the residents’ property. According to the joint plan of UNAMI and the U.S. Embassy for the transfer of the last group of Ashraf residents to Camp Liberty, on 5 September 2013 it was decided that “The GOI shall safeguard and guarantee all Ashraf property” and “The GOI shall allow the residents to sell their property at any time”. On September 6, Ms. Elizabeth Jones, then U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, wrote in a letter to Mrs. Maryam Rajavi that if the residents agree to the above plan, “The United Nations will help facilitate the safeguarding of the property at Ashraf through your retention of a trusted local security firm. The U.S. Embassy will do its utmost to support these efforts”.

However, during this period, not only the Iraqi government has prevented the implementation of all the above points, but despite the repeated and unequivocal commitments of the United Nations and the United States, the property in Ashraf has been constantly looted and stolen by government organs and the terrorist militia groups affiliated with the Iraqi government organs.

These are the militias that according to reports by the Amnesty International and other independent human rights defenders, along with reports from Iraqi Kurdish groups in Diyala and the international news media, are responsible for the massacre of a great number of people in Diyala and driving the people in these areas from their homes and the crimes by these militias are worse than the terrorist ISIS group.

Dr. Salim al-Jabouri, speaker of Iraqi parliament, declared on January 28: these forces “in the Shervin area resorted to destroying mosques in the region and setting fire to many homes in front of the eyes of the security forces… On the next day, in the villages of Barwanah, they resorted to still more gruesome and heinous acts in the slaughter of defenseless citizens.”

Similarly, Reuters reported on January 28: “Accounts by five witnesses interviewed separately by Reuters provide a picture of alleged executions in the eastern village of Barwanah on Monday which residents and provincial officials say left at least 72 unarmed Iraqis dead. The witnesses identified the killers as a collection of Shi`ite militias and security force elements.”

Ms. Nahedeh ad-Daini, the representative of Diyala Province in the parliament told al-Jazeera TV on January 26: “In recent days, the militias affiliated with the terrorist Qods Force resorted to a new massacre in the Meqdadiya region of Diyala and brutally killed at least 70 locals, including children, in this province and set fire to hundreds of homes.”

While expressing its strongest protest regarding the plunder and usurpation of PMOI property, the Iranian Resistance calls on the United States and the United Nations not to further delay implementing their repeated and written commitments and to take action to return the movable and immovable property of Ashraf residents to them that is worth $550 million. The return of this property is essential and imperative to pay for the expenses of transfer of residents out of Iraq and their resettlement in third countries.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 5, 2015