Beating of water tankers’ drivers and threatening them with arrest and killing by the Iraqi forces



Camp Liberty- No. 18

Hindering the transfer of patients to Baghdad hospital in past few days

NCRI – While the residents of Liberty are suffering severe water shortages, Iraqi forces are constantly hindering the water supply for the camp. They delay the water tankers that bring water from a distance of 12 km to the camp, at checkpoints and the camp entrance using various excuses, such that the water arrives late to the camp. Iraqi forces also threaten Iraqi drivers who bring water to the camp and tell them that if they continue to provide water for the residents, they will be arrested. Suppressive forces in recent days have beaten several of the drivers.

In another development, on Sunday March 12, the Iraqi police delayed four patients living in Liberty until 12:45 pm, who were awaiting transfer to hospital since 8:00 am based on a prior appointment. When three of the patients arrived in Baghdad, due to arriving after business hours and losing their appointment, they had to return to Liberty without accessing the doctor.

On Monday March 13 three other patients were not transferred to hospital due to lack of ambulances. Meanwhile, all the appointments had already been coordinated with Iraqi officials.

This situation is the continuation of the cruel medical siege that has been imposed on Ashraf residents since early 2009 and has caused the death of 13 people. This medical siege is a blatant violation of humanitarian standards and also a violation of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Iraqi government and United Nations on December 25, 2011 and the February 15th letter of the special representative to the residents.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 13, 2012

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