Baghdad terrorist bombings with high casualties, material damages, and footprint of Iran regime

NCRI – The Iranian Resistance strongly condemns massive terrorist bombings in Baghdad on Wednesday which left at least 100 dead, more than 550 wounded and colossal material damages.

Many Iraqi personalities and political groups have underlined the “security forces negligence.” A number of Iraqi MPs have called for impeachment of Defense and Interior ministers and relevant commanders and even their referral to court for trial. They have also held Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, as the Commander in Chief, answerable. On the other hand “the Iraqi Interior and Defense ministries deny having any responsibility toward security in Baghdad and accusing the command of the armed forces of putting them aside on the issue of Baghdad security.” (As-Sharqiya Television)

Dr. Adnan Duleimi, leader of Iraqi Accord Front said: “Arabs were not involved in today’s bombings and they were carried out by non-Arab parties.”

The Islamic Party of Iraq announced: “Keeping silence over negligence of the security forces toward country’s state of security while dozens of people get killed everyday is not acceptable. These are organized criminal acts and not self motivated ones. The perpetrators benefit from extensive facilities and means in the level of governments and states.”

Ussama Nujifi, a prominent Member of Iraqi Parliament, said: “I direct my accusation against Iran. Iran is the only country capable of carrying out an attack of this magnitude and to infiltrate security forces in this situation. Iran has interests in encouraging sectarian strife among people in Iraq. The border is open and it can infiltrate Iraqi institutions in different ways. This is not the kind of operation conducted by individuals or groups because they cannot carry out such a coordinated operation… In recent years, Iran has sent many messages and the United States has received them and they are negotiating at the moment. I hope that is not at the expense of the Iraqi people." (Al-Arabiya TV)

Mazan Al-Kheshab, press officer of the Iraqi Union in London, said: "It is very clear. The Katyusha rockets are manufactured in Iran and the Qods Force has provided the training for its use… The only solution is for the government to be removed completely. "(Al-Rafedein Iraqi TV)

Mullahs in Iran have repeatedly stated that their front line against the United States is in Iraq, and consider Lebanon and Palestine as the regime’s “strategic depth.” They have explicitly declared that "with every bomb exploding in Iraq, the U.S. conspiracies against Iran is delayed for a month," because "the case of Iran will not be resolved at the negotiating table but in the streets of Beirut and Baghdad.” (Mohebi-Nia, member of mullahs’ parliament, May 18, 2006 and Kayhan daily, August 27, 2006)

It appears that Khamenei, in the midst of the popular uprising in Iran, desperately needs to export crisis abroad, especially after June 30 and the departure of U.S. forces from towns and villages of Iraq. This is while negotiations on the issue of the regime’s nuclear program will begin in September. This is only the beginning of the second term of Ahmadinejad. A serious investigation into the manufacture and the production of explosives and weapons used in Wednesday’s attacks in Baghdad will better reveal the role of the Iranian regime.

It is surprising that the Iraqi authorities have never mentioned a word about the terrorist Qods Force or the Iranian regime’s crimes, meddling and rampant terrorism in Iraq and the multitude of explosives, ammunition and weapons that are sent to that country from Iran. Instead, they do not hesitate to attack and press charges against the People's Mojaheidn Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

Iraq, with agents trained by the despised regime of Iran, will never experience security, stability and sovereignty. As stated by 5.2 million Iraqis and 3 million Shi'ites of that country, the only solution is to evict the Iranian regime from Iraq.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 20, 2009

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