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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyAshraf resident wounded in April 8th attack facing death

Ashraf resident wounded in April 8th attack facing death

Ashraf military Occupation – No. 66

NCRI – Ashraf resident Bahman Attighi, 38, wounded during Maliki’s forces attack against Camp Ashraf on April 8th, is currently in critical conditions.

The repressive forces directly shot Bahman in the back and spinal cord, paralyzing his legs.


He is hospitalized in Baquba Hospital, and his conditions have deteriorated due to lack of medical care or access to sufficient supplies causing him to enter a coma eversince April 17th. Furthermore, he is suffering from shock and severe fever due to chronic infection in the area where the bullet entered his body. His life is now in grave danger.

From April 8th to this day, the Iranian Resistance has requested all the wounded to be transferred to a US forces hospital in order to prevent more lives being lost. Unfortunately, only 7 of the wounded Ashraf residents were transferred to the US forces’ Balad Hospital, others remaining in inappropriate conditions in hospitals in Baquba or Baghdad.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 19, 2011