Latest update: New shocking details on massacre of Iranians in Camp Ashraf

To see the latest developments following the September 1, massacre at Camp Ashraf click here.

—————— Sept 4, 2013 


Qassem Suleimani, commander of the Iranian regim;s terrorist Qods force, speaking before the mullahs’ Assembly of Experts on September 3rd, acknowledged the role of the regime in the massacre of Camp Ashraf residents on September 1.

Read here


Watch the latest video footages of the Sunday’s crime against humanity carried out at Camp Ashraf, Iraq.

Click here

—————— Sept 4, 2013 

Iraq: OMCT condemns the recent attack on Camp Ashraf:

Geneva based human rights organization said is gravely concerned about the whereabouts and fate of seven residents, who were reportedly abducted during the attack, and urges the authorities to immediately release them.

Read the statement

—————— Sept 3, 2013 

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights condemns massacre of Camp Ashraf residents. OHCHR statement on Sept. 3 said:

“We strongly condemn the attack on Camp Ashraf… We call upon the Iraqi government to ensure that medical assistance is urgently provided for the wounded and to guarantee the protection of the residents who remain in Camp Ashraf as well as those who are currently in Camp Liberty,” statement added.

Link to the statement

—————— Sept 3, 2013 

60 professional killers of Iraq’s Maliki were involved in the massacre of Iranian dissidents

Sixty men in the assaulting force belonged to Maliki’s special division called “Golden Division”. This division is composed of professional killers and already has been named by Americans as “Dirty Division”.

Read here

—————— Sept 3, 2013 

UNAMI (United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq) published a statement following  its delegation visit to Camp Ashraf.

The statement said: Inside the camp, the delegation witnessed 52 bodies in a makeshift morgue. All the deceased appeared to have suffered gunshot wounds, the majority of them in the head and the upper body, and several with their hands tied. The delegation also saw several damaged buildings, including one burnt, and was shown quantities of explosives. 

Read here

—————— Sept 3, 2013 

Click here to see the complete list of names and photos of 52 Iranians resident of Camp Ashraf massacred by Iraqi forces on September 1, 2013:

Click here 

—————— Sept 3, 2013 

The forces of the Iraqi battalion “responsible for protection” of the residents were prepared to move in and attack the remaining residents with weapons, clubs, and rod. They placed a siege on all entrances and exits by Humvee armored personnel carriers and armed people.

Iraqi forces have broken into the residence of the remaining residents of Camp Ashraf on Tuesday morning around 11 am Baghdad local time. 

The Iraqi forces under the command of Nouri al- Maliki have threaten the remaining residents with massacre.

Read more here


Belgian MPs said in a statment: “We call on the Belgian Government, the EU and the US to immediately condemn this attack in the strongest possible terms and 

—————— Sept 3, 2013

Belgian MPs call for investigation into Camp Ashraf massacre

Belgian MPs said in a statment: “We call on the Belgian Government, the EU and the US to immediately condemn this attack in the strongest possible terms and send a fact-finding mission to immediately investigate this crime and bring those responsible to justice. The UN should immediately deploy a peace-keeping force to protect the remaining refugees or to move them to safe countries outside Iraq.”

—————— Sept 2, 2013

New details on coordination of Iraqi government with Iranian regime in the September 1 massacre of Ashraf was published in report by the National Council of Resistance of Iran.

Read full report here

Iraqi forces exploded buildings and property 

During the massacre of Camp Ashraf residents on September 1, in addition to short barrel automatic rifles and handguns, the suppressive forces carried with them a considerable amount of plastic explosives with timers and various grenades.To create an atmosphere of horror and terror and to take control of the area for their terrorist and criminal acts, they exploded many cars, containers, water tankers and room doors.

On their way out of the area, the criminals also exploded and set on fire a large number of rooms, trailers, several forklift trucks, several fuel tankers, reefers, and at least eight Toyota land cruisers. Thick smoke from explosion and arsons covered Ashraf’s sky for hours.

Explosives that failed to detonate are left in several buildings and vehicles.

Watch the video: Explosions in Camp Ashraf


Maryam Rajavi: Camp Ashraf massacre aimed at paving way for attack on Camp Liberty

Independent and impartial investigations with presence of representatives and lawyers of residents is necessary in preventing a recurrence of crime against humanity

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, described the joint objective of the clerical regime and its puppet government in Iraq in the September 1st criminal massacre of Ashraf as destroying the realistic and accessible solution to provide security to over 3,000 Iranian refugees in Camp Liberty. She stated that they want to pave the way for further attacks and massacres in Liberty.

Read full text

EU’s Ashton condemns killings in Camp Ashraf

The foreign policy chief of the European Union (EU) Catherine Ashton on Monday condemned “in the strongest terms” the killings took place at Iraq’s Camp Ashraf with up to 52 people killed and dozens wounded.

Ashton called on “all parties and particularly the Government of Iraq to facilitate UNAMI’s fact-finding efforts.”

British Foreign Office Minister Alistair Burt appalled to hear of Sunday’s violence at Camp Ashraf in Iraq.

“I am appalled to hear of the violence at Camp Ashraf in Iraq, which we understand has resulted in the death of many camp residents. We condemn this utterly, and our thoughts go out to the families of the victims.”

“Our Embassy in Baghdad is in close contact with the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq, who are making an urgent assessment of the situation. We support their work, and call on the Government of Iraq to assist the UN fully. The Government of Iraq must also do everything necessary to ensure the safety of the residents and care for survivors, and must conduct an urgent and transparent investigation into what took place, and ensure those responsible are brought to justice.”

Amnesty International urges the Iraqi authorities to conduct a thorough and impartial investigation into the massacre at Camp Ashraf.

Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International:

On previous occasions the Iraqi authorities have failed to conduct effective investigations into attacks on camps housing Iranian exiles. This has meant that no one has been held accountable for these incidents, and that residents live in constant fear for their safety.

21 Members of the National Council of Resistance of Iran either killed or taken hostage by Iraqi forces attacking Camp Ashraf at the behest of the Iranian regime.

NCRI members who have been killed: Zohreh Ghaemi, Giti Givehchian, Mitra Bagherzadeh, Gila Toloue, Mehdi Fatollah Nejad, Ahmad Boostani, Hamid Batebi, Mohammadreza Voshagh, Alireza Khooshnevis, Hossein Madani, Ali Fayz Shabangahi, Azim Naroui, Abolghasem Rezvani, Ghobad Saeed-pour, Nabi Saif and Ali-Asghar Ghadiri.

Ms Mahboubeh Lashkari, Ms Fatemeh Tahouri, Ms Vajiheh Karbalai, Ms Sedigeh Ebrahimpour and Mr Mohsen Nicknami have been taken hostage.

Canada condemned attack on Iranian refugees in Camp Ashraf:

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird and Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander said in a statement: “Canada condemns the attack that has taken the lives of scores of residents in a camp housing Iranian exiles northeast of Baghdad.

“Our thoughts go out to the families and friends of the victims of this senseless violence. We also wish a full recovery to those injured,” statement added.

New video showing Iraqi forces entering Camp Ashraf to massacre Iranian refugees:

France calls for indepent investigation of massacre in Camp Ashraf by Iraqi forces

“France firmly condemns the violence in the Ashraf camp,” a French statement said. “Violence against the civilian population and especially against refugees is unacceptable,” it added.
“France wants to remind (Iraq) that it is up to Iraqi authorities to ensure the security of the refugee camps, including the Ashraf and Hurriya camps, and to provide medical assistance to the wounded, where necessary,” the Foreign Ministry said.

Italy condemns massacre in Camp Ashraf by Iraqi forces

Italy’s foreign minister Emma Bonino has deplored the loss of lives at a camp in Iraq for Iranian dissidents, who say dozens of residents lost lives there Sunday in an attack by security forces, AKI reported.
“This is a very serious incident which arouses deep concern. The loss of human lives is completely unacceptable and must be condemned with the utmost firmness,” Bonino said on Monday.

—————— Sept 2, 2013

Seven residents have been taken hostage by the Iraqi forces attacking Camp Ashraf

Those who have been taken hostage are Ms. Vajiheh Karbalaie, Ms. Mahboobeh Lashkari, Ms. Fatemeh Sakhaie, Fatemeh Tahouri, Ms. Leila Nebahat, Ms. Sedigheh Ebrahim-pour and Mr. Mohsen Niknami.

So far 52 PMOI (MEK) members, who were slaughtered in Camp Ashraf massacre on early morning of September 1, have been identified. A number of residents have disappeared and searches for them has reached nowhere.

Previously, the Iraqi forces took many residents hostage in July 2009 attack and they were subjected to harassment and persecution. They should be immediately released and returned.

—————— Sept 2, 2013

The UNAMI and the Acting UN Secretary General’s Special Representative (SRSG) for Iraq, who is visiting Camp Ashraf today for the first time after the Sunday’s massacre, is urged by former UN advisor on Ashraf issues to stand up for the truth in Camp Ashraf massacre. 

Tahar Boumedra, former Chief of UNAMI Human Rights Office & former Advisor to SRSG on Ashraf wrote in an open letter to the Acting SRSG for Iraq: “I urge the Acting SRSG to have the courage to stand up for the truth. History will haunt anyone who will hide the truth about the extra-judicial executions of 52 defenceless civilians.”

Read full text

—————— 6:00 PM  (EDT)

United Nations has demanded an inquiry into the killing of Iranian dissidents in Camp Ashraf, Reuters reported.

The report said: “Two Iraqi security sources said that army and special forces had opened fire on residents” in Camp Ashraf.

 —————— 6:00 PM  (EDT)

Vice-President of the European parliament and the President of International Committee In Search of Justice (ISJ) said in a statement:

We call on President Obama and Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and the EU to immediately intervene to prevent more killings. They must immediately send their envoys to visit the camp, the dead bodies and the wounded and mobilise troops to protect Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty.

 —————— (23:00 Baghdad local time)

Photos and videos reveal the wounded Iranian refugees were killed in Camp Ashraf clinic while receiving treatment. Majority of those killed have been shot in the head. A number of residents killed while they had been handcuffed. 

Iraqi forces returned and killed the wounded residents


—————— (22:20 Baghdad local time)

 U.S. Department of State published a statement condemning the attack on Camp Ashraf today.

“We are deeply concerned about these reports and are in regular contact with the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI), as well as Government of Iraq officials. We support UNAMI’s efforts to conduct its own assessment of the situation and call on the Government of Iraq to fully support those efforts,” the statement said.

—————— (22:00 Baghdad local time)

Video shows Iraqi forces who entering Camp Ashraf.  The Iraqi forces under the order of Nouri Al-Maliki and at the behest of Iranian attacked Camp Ashraf and massacred at least 52 residents.


—————— (21:30 Baghdad local time)

The United States Embassy in Baghdad strongly condemned ‘the terrible events that took place at Camp Ashraf today, which according to various reports resulted in the deaths and injuries to numerous camp residents.”

“Our condolences go out to the families of the victims and those who were injured in today’s violence,” the statement said.

“We further call on Iraqi authorities to act with urgency to immediately ensure medical assistance to the wounded and to secure the camp against any further violence or harm to the residents. And we affirm the call by UNAMI for a full and independent investigation into this terrible and tragic event. Those found to be responsible must be held fully accountable.”

—————— (21:20 Baghdad local time)

More videos of massacre of Camp Ashraf resident reveal the crime against humanity committed by Iraqi forces at the behest of the Iranian regime.

Click read more to see the videos

—————— (17:12 Baghdad local time)

To see the latest photos of crime against humanity on this link:



—————— (17:00 Baghdad local time)

Death toll in Camp Ashraf massacre rises to 52.—————— (16:45 Baghdad local time)

Iranians in Camp Liberty go on Hunger Strike call for deployment Blue Helmets

The residents call for the urgent intervention of the United Nations and the transfer of security responsibility from murderous Iraqi forces to UN blue helmet forces and emphasized that the relinquishing of security responsibility to Iraqi forces which has until now led to five massacres in Ashraf and Liberty is considered as collusion in crimes against humanity and must be stopped.

—————— (16:36 Baghdad local time)

UN condemned ‘in the strongest possible terms’ today’s attack on Camp Ashraf. 

“UNAMI, under its humanitarian mandate, is closely following up on developments on the ground, and is using all possible means to conduct its own assessment of the situation”, the Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General (DSRSG) for Iraq said in a statement by UNAMI.

—————— (16:20 Baghdad local time)

Death toll rises to 51 at Camp Ashraf.

 —————— (16:00 Baghdad local time)

The Iranian regime takes responsibility for attack against Ashraf

The news media of the Iranian regime have acknowledged that ‘the people and Iraqi Jihadist forces’ which is the nickname for mullahs’ terrorist Quds force has taken responsibility for the criminal attack against Ashraf.The Iranian regime’s state-run TV network Channel 1 stated in its noon news edition that “tens of members of the Mojahedin Organization (PMOI/MEK) were killed by attacks by the people and Jihadist forces againstCamp Ashraf.”

The regime’s News Network Television also stated “this morning in attacks by some of the Iraqi people against Camp Ashraf at least 23 members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) including 7 of its leaders were killed. In this attack around 80 members of Mojahedin were arrested and some were wounded.”

This is a clear admission by the Iranian regime and taking responsibility for this crime takes place as the Iraqi government in fear of international consequences for the crime against humanity has been denying this crime.

The Iraqi government that first had denied any attack on Camp Ashraf hours later called it an internal clash within the PMOI (MEK).

In the past, after the April 8, 2011 massacre of 37 Camp Ashraf residents by the Iraqi forces, the Iraqi government claimed was resulted by an internal clash within the PMOI (MEK). The Iraqi government claims was totally revealed to by a lie.

—————— (15:00 Baghdad local time)

 UNHCR condemns attack on Camp Ashraf.

The statement published by the UNHCR said:

UNHCR strongly condemns this attack. The use of violence against a civilian population is unacceptable in any circumstances.

—————— (14:25 Baghdad local time)

Click here to see the photos of criminal massacre at Camp Ashraf.

Warning graphic photos: Click Here

—————— (12:40 Baghdad local time)

Death toll in today’s Camp Ashraf massacre reaches 44

The Iraqi government is telling outrages lies to cover the ongoing massacre at Camp Ashraf, 

Resorting to lies similar to the outrages lies used for describing chemical attack against the Syrian people, Al-Iraqiya TV falsely claimed that no attack has been carried out against Camp Ashraf by Iraqi forces.

This is while the criminal Iraqi forces who continue to siege Camp Ashraf have not allowed any visit by United Nations Assistance Mission to Iraq and the United Nations High Commissioner representatives to visit the camp for the past 10 hours as the death toll in the camp has reached to 44.

—————— (12:20 Baghdad local time)

Chinese news agency Xinhua reported: Iraqi security forces carried out a military operation on an Iranian opposition camp in the eastern province of Diyala, killing and wounding many, local media and a provincial official said on Sunday.

—————— (11:50 Baghdad local time)

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran calls on the US Government to immediately  transfer all the residents of Camp Liberty and Camp Ashraf to the United States.

 —————— (11:40 Baghdad local time)

The death toll of ongoing massacre at Camp Ashraf reaches 35.

More than a third of the residents have been massacred up to now.

—————— (11:25 Baghdad local time)

The death tool of ongoing massacre at Camp Ashraf reaches 28.

 —————— (10:45 Baghdad local time)

The attacking Iraqi force first fired rockets by anti-tank Rocket-Propelled Grenade launcher (RPG) into the residents’ rooms. Then opened fire at the resident.

Since last night the commander of the Diyala province’s police commander Jamil Shemeri along with a number of criminal officers from the Iraqi Prime Ministry had been stationed in Camp Ashraf to command the fifth massacre at Camp Ashraf. 

—————— (10:30 Baghdad local time)

Qassem Sulleimani, the commander of the Iranian regime’s Quds Force personally had ordered Faleh Fayyaz and Nour al-Maliki on last Tuesday to carry out the fifth massacre of Camp Ashraf residents, the information received from Iran reveals.

Maliki has ordered the Iraqi Prime Ministry staff to deny the killings in Camp Ashraf when they are questioned by the United Nations and other international organizations.

Maliki intends to totally cover up massacre at Camp Ashraf.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the American Embassy in Baghdad, the European diplomats, journalists and human rights organization based in Iraq to immediately visit Camp Ashraf and witness the ongoing massacre of Camp Ashraf residents.


 —————— (10:00 Baghdad local time)

The death toll of the raid by Iraqi forces under the command of Nouri al-Maliki against the Iranian residents of Camp Ashraf in Iraq has raised to 23 as of 10:00 Baghdad local time.

The raid by criminal Iraqi forces on the defenseless Iranian refugees in Camp Ashraf began midnight on Saturday and has been continuing.

All the residents of the camp are faced with total massacre at the hands of Iraqi forces.

At least five of the residents were fired at in close range while they had been arrested and handcuffed.

Many injured residents are in critical condition.

The attacking forces are composed of a number of Iraqi Army battalions and include special units of Iraqi SWAT teams. One of the attacking battalions belongs to the 36 brigade of the Iraqi Army.

The Iranian resistance calls for urgent action by UNAMI and the American Embassy in Iraq to immediately dispatch a delegation to Camp Ashraf in order to prevent the continuation of the massacre of the residents.

—————— (09:20 Baghdad local time)

Iraqi forces have executed at least five handcuffed residents by shooting at them in close range:

Ms Maryam Hosseini, Mr Rahman Manani, Mr Saeed Akhavan, Mr Hossein Rasouli, Mr Ibrahim Assadi.

—————— (09:15 Baghdad local time)

Iraqi forces set ablaze a large part of properties of Camp Ashraf residents. A thick smoke has covered the camp.

—————— (08:45) Baghdad local time

The martyrs identified are: Ms. Zohreh Ghaemi, the Deputy Secretary General of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK); Ms. Giti Givehchian, senior member of the PMOI Leadership Council; Mitra Bagherzadeh, Ms. Gila Toloue, Fatemeh Kamyab, Ms. Maryam Hosseini Mr. Majid Shivyari, Mr. Azim Naroui, Mr. Rahman Manani, Mr. Hassan Jabari, Mr. Mehdi Fatollah Nejad, Mr. Alireza Khooshnevis, Mr. Mohammad Reza Safavi, Mr. Saeed Akhavan, Mr. Hossein Rassouli, Mr. Nasser Habashi, Mr. Ali Asghar Mechanic, Mr. Ali Mahmoudi, Mr. Ibrahim Assadi.


—————— (08:40) Baghdad local time

Many wounded residents of Camp Ashraf are in critical condition.

—————— (08:00) Baghdad 

 As of 8:00 am local time 19 residents killed by Iraqi forces have been identified.

 The Iranian resistance has called on the U.S. and the United Nations to send a delegation to Camp Ashraf to stop the massacre.

—————— (07:45) Baghdad 

The armed raid by Iraqi forces on Camp Ashraf that began last night is continuing at 7:00 am Local time, September 1, 2013.

The suppressive Iraqi forces in addition to directly shooting the residents are also targeting various locations in Camp Ashraf using mortars.

Until now a large number of the residents have been killed or injured and some have been taken hostage by the suppressive forces.

The Iranian resistance calls for urgent action by UNAMI and the American Embassy in Iraq for their immediate presence in the camp in order to prevent the continuation of the massacre of the residents.

The attacking forces are a few battalions of the Iraqi Army and the Iraqi Special Units, SWAT teams.


NCRI – Since midnight last night, ambush and firing live ammunition to the residents of Camp Ashraf has started in order to murder and to take hostages from them.

Firing live ammunition on the defenseless residents is continuing until 6 am this morning. The number of martyrs and injured is not known. The United States and the United Nations had ensured their safety and security in a mutual Quadra agreement.

As of 6:00 am all communications of camp Ashraf residents is cut off.

The United States and the UN must immediately call on the Iraqi Government to stop the attack and attend to the camp in order to find out about their status. 

Based on our information, several battalions are involved in this attack, which one of them belongs to the 36 brigade of the Iraqi Army. 

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 1, 2013

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