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Arab-Islamic Committee in Defense of Ashraf launched

 On September 5, 2009, in a meeting near Paris attended by Arab and Islamic delegations comprised of lawmakers, legal, political and social personalities, and human rights activists from various Muslim countries, including Algeria, Jordan, Palestine and Egypt, the Arab-Islamic Committee in Defense of Ashraf was launched.The need to counter spread of Islamic fundamentalism by mullahs’ regime

On Saturday evening, September 5, 2009, in a meeting near Paris attended by Arab and Islamic delegations comprised of lawmakers, legal, political and social personalities, and human rights activists from various Muslim countries, including Algeria, Jordan, Palestine and Egypt, the Arab-Islamic Committee in Defense of Ashraf was launched.

Islamic Figures in France also attended the meeting.

Sid Ahmad Ghozali, former Algerian Prime Minister, opened the meeting that was held at the headquarters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) in Auver-sur-Oise (suburb of Paris) on the fifteenth day of holy month of Ramadan.

 On September 5, 2009, in a meeting near Paris attended by Arab and Islamic delegations comprised of lawmakers, legal, political and social personalities, and human rights activists from various Muslim countries, including Algeria, Jordan, Palestine and Egypt, the Arab-Islamic Committee in Defense of Ashraf was launched.The need to counter spread of Islamic fundamentalism by mullahs’ regime

On Saturday evening, September 5, 2009, in a meeting near Paris attended by Arab and Islamic delegations comprised of lawmakers, legal, political and social personalities, and human rights activists from various Muslim countries, including Algeria, Jordan, Palestine and Egypt, the Arab-Islamic Committee in Defense of Ashraf was launched.

Islamic Figures in France also attended the meeting.

Sid Ahmad Ghozali, former Algerian Prime Minister, opened the meeting that was held at the headquarters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) in Auver-sur-Oise (suburb of Paris) on the fifteenth day of holy month of Ramadan.

In its statement, the “Arab-Islamic Committee in Defense of Ashraf” called on personalities, scholars, clerics and human rights defenders, particularly those in the Middle East, to condemn the late July attacks by Iraqi forces against Camp Ashraf, which led to the death of 11 Ashraf residents and injury of 500 others, as “a crime that betrayed the conscience of Arab world, Arab hospitality and Islamic values.”

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, said in her speech: “Although Ashraf is located 70 km from the Iranian border, it is the number one concern of the Iranian regime's leaders. For the mullahs, the suppression of the Mojahedin has top priority in their dealings with other countries as they view Ashraf being part of the current uprisings in Tehran. The reason for the regime’s Supreme Leader’s animosity toward Ashraf residents is that they inspire the struggle of women and youth and those who have risen for freedom inside Iran.”

She added: “Today is the 40th day that the 36 residents of Ashraf have been taken hostage. These hostages and their supporters have been on hunger strike throughout this period in several countries. Their continued detention, especially after a court ordered their release, runs counter to all humanitarian, Islamic and legal principles.”  She continued: "There are 1,000 Mojahed women living in Ashraf. The presence of the assailant forces in Ashraf, who have repeatedly threatened women with humiliation and disgrace, have placed these women in great danger.” She, therefore, called on all Muslims to rise in their defense.

The speakers, Sheikh Taysir al-Tamimi, Palestine’s Chief Justice; Sheikh Hamdi al-Za’ir, Palestinian judge; Jordanian MPs, Ms. Nariman al-Russan, Mr. Mohammad al-Haj and Dr. Ali al-Zala’in; and Dr. Salah Abdullah, leader of the progressive Nasserite Party of Egypt, described attack on Ashraf as an aggression against defenseless Muslims and strongly condemned it. They declared their support and major part of the Arab world for Ashraf residents and their perseverance. They also reiterated the need for Arab unity to counter spread of Islamic fundamentalism of the mullahs.

Mrs. Anissa Boumediene, writer and expert on Islam; Sheikh Dhaw Meskin, a Muslim figure from France; Mr. Ghalib Ben Sheikh, expert on Islam from France; and Sheikh Khalil Meroun and Mr. Toufiq Sebati from the executive office of the Council of Muslims in France, were among other speakers in the meeting.

The Arab-Islamic Committee in Defense of Ashraf said in its statement: “For the Iranian regime, faced with people’s nationwide uprising, the annihilation of Ashraf is extremely important. The uprisings have struck the foundations of the clerical regime, caused rift in its leadership and most of the clergy have turned away from it. Atrocities against prisoners and sexually assaulting boys and girls in prisons, which were exposed by officials of the regime, reveal the inhuman and anti-Islamic nature of the regime.”

It added: “Murder of Ashraf residents was an attempt by the mullahs to get out of this crisis and it had nothing to do with people of Iraq.” Based on testimonies of millions of Iraqis and many Iraqi patriotic and democratic leaders, “Presence of the PMOI in Iraq acts as the greatest political and historic bulwark against the Iranian regime’s strategy of imposing its hegemony.”

The committee calls on people of Iraq “to raise their voice against this crime, safeguard Arab and Iraqi dignity and honor and rise in support of their guests in Ashraf.”

The founders of the committee called for “immediate release of the 36 Ashraf residents taken hostage, withdrawal of the Iraqi forces from Ashraf, stationing of an international [observer] force in Ashraf, guarantees by the U.S. forces to protect Ashraf residents, and prevention of forcible displacement of Ashraf residents within Iraq or their expulsion.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 5, 2009