Another victim of savage attack by Iraqi forces on Ashraf died of his wounds

Iranian opposition’s Camp Ashraf attacked – Statement 84

NCRI – Mid-day Monday, August17, 2009, Ali Asghar Yaqoub Pour, 47, one of the veteran members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), died of his severe wounds at Balad Hospital of American forces. For three weeks, he suffered terrible pains and went through number of surgical operations and amputation of his leg.

On July 28 attack by Iraqi forces, he received a strong blow to his head, his leg was smashed and was shot at his abdomen and left arm.  He was one of those 12 who were critically wounded and were transferred to Balad Hospital on July30 after a delay of 48 hours.


He was a political prisoner under the clerical regime. He spent four years in Evin and Qezel Hessar prisons under different kinds of tortures.

In our statement number 18 on July 28 it was mentioned that Asghar Yaghoub Pour was hit by bullet in the abdomen and his arm was broken and he was among those critically wounded who needed surgery and urgent medical attention, but, the Iraqi agents refused. In statement number 22 on July 29 it was said that: “the NCRI holds Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki personally responsible for preventing the entry of doctors to Ashraf and the death of those who need vital medical help, and it will file complaints at international tribunals.”

The Iranian Resistance holds Nouri al-Maliki as the prime person responsible for the crime against humanity in Ashraf based on the “bilateral agreement” with Khamenei and he should be held answerable before international tribunals.

The Government of the United States which has disarmed residents of Ashraf and left them defenseless and then signed an agreement with every single one of them to guarantee their protection until final determination of their status must not close blind eyes on crimes against humanity in Ashraf. Article 45 of the Fourth Geneva Convention explicitly states that, “if a government fails to carry out the provisions of the Convention in any important respect, the government by which the protected persons were transferred (in this case it is the US) shall, upon being so notified by the protecting government, take effective measures to correct the situation or shall request the return of the protected persons. Such request must be complied with.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 17, 2009

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