Acknowledgment of the religious fascism ruling Iran that the transfer of Ashraf residents to Camp Liberty is a mullahs’ regime project



Camp Liberty-No. 8

• Mullahs’ thanking and welcoming the Iraqi government for the transfer of PMOI members to Camp Liberty, and  the United Nations for helping their expulsion

NCRI – The mullahs’ regime on the fourth day of transfer of a number of Ashraf residents to Camp Liberty, unveiled the issue and while welcoming the Iraqi government’s action, described it as the “resolve of the Iranian nation” and “the will of the Iraqi government”. It also thanked the United Nations for helping to expel PMOI from Iraq.

The regime acknowledged the fact that project to transfer Ashraf residents was completely designed and guided by the religious fascism ruling Iran.

On Tuesday morning February 21st, Ramin Mehmanparast, the clerical regime’s Foreign Ministry spokesman, said: “Transfer of Mojahedin from Camp Ashraf to temporary Camp Liberty for a final expulsion from Iraq, we welcome this initiative of the Iraqi people and the will of the Iraqi government and we will support it … This is the determination of the Iranian nation (read Iranian regime) and the will of the Iraqi government that they would leave the region and Iraq.” He added: “Also we welcomed the help of the United Nations and UNHCR with respect to the expulsion of PMOI from Iraq and support these actions in every possible way.” (State-run TV, February 21, 2012)

In a document obtained from the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), which was revealed by the Iranian resistance on February 21st, the Iraqi prime ministry has been quoted: “In particular, Mr. Kobler, Special Representative of Secretary-General supports GOI’s demands. We believe he does not want to have any dispute with the GOI and is not willing to strain his relations with Iraq for the sake of the PMOI”. According to this document, the Iraqi Prime ministry ensures the Iranian regime, “the PMOI would be paralyzed in Liberty and would become politically dead.”

The crippled clerical regime, unable to deal with growing public resentment, crises resulting from international sanctions and consequences of the Syrian uprising and prospects of its dictator’s fall in near future, unprecedented power struggle at the top on the eve of the election sham, finds annihilation of the Iranian people’s organized and democratic resistance as its savior.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 21, 2012


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