Shocking Confessions of, Former Mullahs’ Regime Minister of Intelligence Regarding the 1988 Massacre of political prisoners in Iran


• The Trial of the Opposition Makes No Sense, and the Verdict for (PMOI/MEK) and Opposition Groups Is Execution, According to Khomeini’s Expl

 • The ruling of the massacre of imprisoned MEK members and sympathizers was previously issued by Khomeini in 1988

• Under the cover of correspondent and businessman, Intelligence agents are acting inside and outside Iran

“Regarding MEK and all the militant groups, the ruling is the death sentence … Imam (Khomeini) has said this … their verdict is death sentence … Ali Fallahian, regime’s former intelligence minister, said in an interview with Aparat Internet TV and continued:

Mr. Mousavi (Tabrizi) who was the Revolution’s general prosecutor used to say that there is no need for trial at all … it makes no sense that we try them … Imam repeatedly insisted that you should be careful not to let them go… Imam continuously stressed that you should always be cautious of this matter … Their ruling is always execution. This was his (Khomeini’s) verdict as the supreme leader, both before and after this event of 1988 (massacre of political prisoners).”

Fallahian’s remarks are made while the new revelations regarding the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in the summer of 1988 and the ensued Justice-Seeking movement concerning this carnage have appeared as a mounting problem for the entire regime of the mullahs in recent months.

Expressing his warning against the progression of the Justice-Seeking movement, Ali Khamenei, the leader of the regime, personally entered the scene on June 4, and stated, “… those who are contemplating and judging about the 80s, must be aware not to replace victim with the hangman.”

Fallahian further responded to a question about the victims of the massacres of 1988 who were serving their sentences by saying: ” First, you should bear in mind that their (MEK’s) ruling was death punishment; and if the religious judge did not sentence them to death, his ruling has been illegal … so all of us should acknowledge that the verdict for a Monafeq [the term used by the regime to call a MEK member or sympathizer] is death sentence, this was both Imam’s fatwa and his verdict… there was a discussion about those who were supposed to be executed, but the executions did not carry out, and those who were to be executed but didn’t get a verdict. ‘Nonetheless’ why they were kept alive against Imam’s (Khomeini) will? »

This criminal also acknowledged that many of the detainees were executed solely for the purpose of distributing newspaper or providing supplies and food for the supporters of the Resistance and stated: “When someone is a member of a military group, and that group is fighting with us, regardless of whether that person is armed or not, he is one of them (and should be executed).”

Fallahian, with a disgusting mockery, revealed that many of the intelligence ministry’s agents are acting under the cover of journalist and stated: ” For information gathering both inside and outside the country the Ministry of Intelligence needs coverage,for instance, we do not dispatch an intelligence officer, let’s say to Germany, the United States or Russia, and there he would say “ well, I am from the Ministry of Intelligence, please provide me your information. (They would do it) under the cover of business or media jobs. Many journalists are the intelligence agents … A journalist is not paid well, so he needs to work with an intelligence service. “

Ali Fallahian is a criminal who used to work as the head of the Ministry of Intelligence for the entire eight years of the Rafsanjani presidency (1989-1997), and, in addition to conducting chain murders and killing many Iranian opponents and intellectuals, he is under international prosecution due to his direct role in assassinations outside the country.

Fallahian was placed under prosecution by the German court for direct involvement in the killing of leaders of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran at the Mykonos restaurant in Berlin (September 1992), and an international arrest warrant was issued to him. In 2007, Interpol placed Fallahian on the list of the most wanted internationally due to his role in the bombing of the Jewish Center in Buenos Aires, which killed 85 people.

Jacques Antenen, the Swiss investigating judge issued an arrest warrant for him on 20 March 2006 for his plotting and direct involvement in the assassination of Dr. Kazem Rajavi, representative of the Iranian Resistance in Geneva, who was assassinated on 24 April 1990, in the outskirts of Geneva by the mullahs’ regime.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 18, 2017” width=”660″ height=”370″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”>

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