Prisoner of Conscience Saeid Sangar Re-Sentenced After 20 Years in Prison, Tortured for Supporting MEK


Call for immediate action by UN,

EU and human rights advocates to secure his release

Saeid Sangar, 47, from Piranshahr, one of Iran’s longest-incarcerated political activists was again sentenced to 11 months in prison in Urmia after already severing more than 20 years in prison for supporting the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

Sanger, imprisoned since his arrest in August 2000, was interrogated and tortured in solitary confinement in Evin Prison until 2003 and sentenced to 18 years in prison on charges of “moharebeh” and “contacts with the MEK.” Towards the end of his term, the regime’s Judiciary added another two years to his sentence without any justification and in violation of its medieval laws. Now, after 20 years in prison, the regime’s Judiciary has added another 11 months to Saeid’s prison term, who has not been given temporary release for even a single day.

The regime’s harsh treatment of Sangar is retaliation for his steadfastness and refusal to repent and take part in interviews to demonize the MEK, the Iranian Resistance, and its leadership. To break his resistance, prison authorities have subjected him to psychological torture by staging 13 mock executions. Officials in Urmia Central Prison continue to pressure him so that he would recant his political views.

The Iranian Resistance urges the United Nations and its affiliated bodies as well as other human rights organizations, the United States and the European Union and its member states, the European Parliament, and Bar Associations around the world to take immediate action to force the clerical regime to release Saeid Sangar, after enduring 20 years in prison.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
January 23, 2021

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