Video: Maryam Rajavi speaks at Canadian Parliament Iran Human Rights hearing

In the hearing session in Canadian Parliament, Maryam Rajavi called on the Canadian Government to raise the issue of the violation of Iranian refugees’ rights at Camp Liberty in the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly

NCRI – On Thursday, May 15, Mrs Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, was heard by the Subcommittee on International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Canadian Parliament. The hearing was presided over by Mr Scott Reid, head of Subcommittee on International Human Rights from the Conservative Party, and was attended by MPs from all three main parties.

The hearing coincided with ‘Iran Accountability Week’ that concluded on Thursday, May 15.

In the session, Mrs Rajavi commended the firm positions of Canadian government and parliament against the terrorist dictatorship ruling Iran and also their attention to the Iranian regime’s four threats, namely: nuclear, terrorism, provocations, and particularly the regime’s systematic violation of human rights, and also to the humanitarian crisis of Iranian asylum-seekers at Camp Liberty in Iraq. She said: “Despite the regime’s claim for moderation, the highest number of executions was carried out in the past year compared to the recent quarter-century. Political prisoners in Evin prison were brutally attacked last month, and the mullahs intensified their attacks on Ashraf and Liberty. Under such conditions, Canada’s support for human rights, freedom and resistance in Iran is more effective than ever.”

Rajavi asked the Canadian MPs to urge their government to raise the dossier of the violation of the rights of Iranian regime’s dissidents residing at Camp Liberty in Iraq at the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly. 

Mrs Rajavi described the situation at Camp Liberty as the other side of the coin of repression, suppression and political crisis in Iran, and said: “The Iranian regime, engulfed in political, economic and international crises, considers the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, which is the main force for change in Iran, as a serious threat to its rule. It therefore spares no opportunity to attack this organization, and hence the Liberty residents are the main target of the regime’s savageries.”
Pointing out the deadly consequences of repeated attacks by the Iraqi government on camps Ashraf and Liberty at the behest of the Iranian regime, she asked the Canadian government to take the lead in providing protection for the residents of Liberty in order to avoid another Srebrenica. She called the insecure situation in Iraq a serious threat to the residents’ safety. She regarded the independent international investigation into the September 1t massacre at Ashraf, which left 52 residents killed and seven others taken hostage, as the firs indispensable step to maintain the residents’ security.
Mrs Rajavi also called on the Canadian government to actively engage in the resettlement issue by admitting more refugees, providing for their needs and covering the expenses of Liberty residents’ resettlement, and assisting countries in admitting more refugees.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 15, 2014

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