UK Embassy takeover by IRGC at on orders from Khamenei

NCRI – The Iranian Resistance strongly condemns the attack of the religious fascist regime of Iran on the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Tehran, its occupation, the taking of a number of diplomats hostage, vandalism of equipment, and damage caused to the embassy building. The Iranian Resistance considers this act as a severe violation of fundamental international covenants that must be met with a firm response from the international community.

This attack has been approved by Khamenei personally and the IRGC and forces associated with Khamenei’s household were responsible for carrying it out. The claim that students occupied the embassy is an absurd lie that everyone is familiar with.

Taking advantage of the international community’s and in particular the UN Security Council’s lack of firmness in dealing with the Iranian regime, Khamenei is seeking to prevent a firm policy, including international sanctions against the Iranian theocracy for its nuclear weapons program, by occupying the UK Embassy and through blackmail, threats, and intimidation.
As the Iranian Resistance has declared on many occasions, the only way of countering the religious fascism ruling Iran and preventing its acquiring nuclear weapons is to adopt a firm policy of comprehensive sanctions and support for regime change by the Iranian people and resistance.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 29, 2011

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