To counter international outrage against suppressive measures subjected to Ashraf residents Quds force, mullahs’ embassy assigned to produce a movie on Ashraf to distort facts

According to reports from inside the Iranian regime, the terrorist Quds force and the Iranian regime’s embassy in Baghdad are planning to produce a movie aimed to distort the facts about Camp Ashraf. They were ordered by the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to this assignment and a massive fund has been allocated.

They are trying in vain to counter international outrage toward crimes committed against Ashraf residents by the regime and its agents in Iraq. The release of a report by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention last July and shocking revelations by a former UNAMI official at the US Congress last September have grossly added to international outrage.

This movie is going to be produced with the help of Iraqi forces and the clerical regime intends to show that the Iraqi government and forces had treated the residents of Ashraf humanely and friendly and respected their rights. It also intends to portray the residents of Ashraf as the ones who initiated attack on Iraqi forces and clashed with them.

Agents of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security who have been engaged in psychological torture of the residents are involved in production of this movie. Escorted by Iraqi forces, they have visited Ashraf over the past few days accompanied by a team of film makers. They have been to occupied parts of Ashraf under Iraqi forces control including the cemetery and Mo’in complex and northern part of Street 100 within Ashraf.

Two Iraqi officers, Ahmad Khodheir and Heidar Azab, whose affiliation to Quds force have been exposed on number of occasions, are facilitating the production of this film. These officers were both involved in the massacres of 2009 and 2011 in Ashraf. Nafe Issa and Jabar Ma’mouri, two well-known agents of the regime involved in various attacks on Ashraf, are also actively helping this project.

A senior former UNAMI official and advisor to the Special Representative on Ashraf issues testifying before a hearing in the US Congress on September 13, 2012 said:»  Death threats in Farsi have been broadcast for 18 hours on most days through loudspeakers surrounding Camp Ashraf, and Iraq has issued nearly 200 arrest warrants against residents with no due process. Each movement of exiles this year from Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty has been coordinated, including dates and specific numbers, by Iraq’s Prime Minister Office with the Iranian Embassy in Baghdad… The Iraqi Government has officially announced that it will make their life “unbearable”… The Iraqi National Security Adviser has repeatedly reiterated that UN human rights and humanitarian standards are not applicable to the Ashrafis.«

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 26, 2012

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