Parliamentarians from various political parties call for a new firm policy towards Tehran and the recognition of Iranian Resistance for democracy and human rights

• Maryam Rajavi: The single solution in preventing Iranian regime from acquiring nuclear bomb is its toppling by Iranian people and Resistance.
In a parliamentary conference held in salle Colbert of the National Assembly on the Iranian crisis on Wednesday, December 5, dozens of parliamentarians from all political factions called for adoption of a new firm policy towards Tehran with support for the Iranian people and their Resistance for democracy and human rights as its pillar.

French Parliamentarians invited Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, to participate in this conference as the head of a delegation from Iranian Resistance.
This conference was held at the initiative of the Parliamentary Committee for a Democratic Iran that encompasses representatives from various parties.
Representatives from all political parties made public a call by dozens of parliamentarians addressing the French government. In this statement, representatives, while emphasizing on Tehran’s persistence on acquiring nuclear weapons despite sanctions by UN and EU, export of Islamic fundamentalism, active participation in the massacre of Syrian people by Bashar al-Assad, opposition to Middle East peace process, and especially its dreadful world record for executions and cruel punishments against its citizens that makes the Iranian regime a focal point of concern for the international community, called on their government to support the ten-point plan of President Maryam Rajavi that defends universal values and to recognize the Iranian Resistance for establishment of fundamental freedoms and democracy in Iran.
Representatives reminded that after justice was prevailed in Europe, Britain and France, the PMOI, as the pivotal force of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, was removed from the U.S. State Department list of foreign terrorist organizations.
Mrs. Rajavi, as the keynote speaker in the conference, pointed to the widespread popular discontent, readiness of the Iranian society for regime change, and the deadly crises of this regime and went on to stress: “Mullahs are left with no recourse. If they retreat from their nuclear ambitions and support for the Syrian regime, they have de facto accepted the demise of their regime; and if they continue on their current course and policies, they end up with a war and their downfall.”
Mrs. Rajavi added: “The unique solution for the Iranian problem is the change of regime by the Iranian people and their Resistance. International sanctions are a positive step, but they can be efficient if the west modifies its policies with regard to the Resistance of the Iranian people.   The current policy should be replaced with a new policy that entails a regime change in Iran.” 
 Mrs. Rajavi called the western governments to postpone their diplomatic relations with this regime to cessation of executions and tortures. She asked them to refer the dossier of human rights in Iran to the Security Council, to ensure protection and security of the members of Resistance in Camp Liberty, to work for recognition of Liberty as a refugee camp, to forbid Iran under the mullahs from pursuing its missile and warplane programs, and to recognize the Iranian people’s Resistance for regime change.
French representatives underscored the need for a change in the policy of the West, in general, and France, in particular; they asked for a policy in line with the Iranian people and Resistance to overthrow the mullahs’ regime and to establish democracy in Iran.
The representatives of French National Assembly underlined the widespread support for the PMOI and the NCRI among Iranian people and the vast coalition of the opposition which was demonstrated in the June 2012 gathering of 110,000 people in support of this movement in Paris and regarded it as a clear indication for this movement’s capacities to replace the antihuman regime of mullahs in Iran. Recalling the massacres perpetrated in Iraq against the Iranian resistant members at Camp Ashraf, the representatives called on the French government to support the rights of residents of the camps Ashraf and Liberty, and to try to have the United Nations recognize Liberty as a refugee camp.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 5, 2012


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