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HomeStatementsStatements: President-electPARIS: International Conference of "PMOI Delisting and Prospect of Change in 2013”

PARIS: International Conference of “PMOI Delisting and Prospect of Change in 2013”

The Resistance under leadership of Mrs. Rajavi is mullahs’ credible alternative and should be recognized as such
• Warning against plunder of Ashraf  and Liberty residents’ movable and immovable property and criticizing UN representative’s approach and his inaction in defending residents’ right to ownership
Maryam Rajavi:
• The time has come for toppling of the mullahs; annulment of the terror tag has given regime’s crises an overthrowing characteristic, has tilted the balance of power between the resistance movement and the regime, and has prepared the ground for recuperation of Resistance’s forces inside Iran and the expansion of its units
• Obama administration in its second term should set aside its failed policy of appeasement with the mullahs and adopt a fresh and firm policy
• Close down Iranian regime’s embassies;
• After certain fall of Syrian dictator, it would be mullahs’ turn to be overthrown.


In an international conference in Paris titled “PMOI Delisting and Prospect of Change in 2013”, prominent American, French and Arab personalities reiterated on the urgent threat of mullahs’ regime for peace, tranquility and democracy in the region and globe while warning that the timeline for adopting a new policy against this regime is quickly running out.
Speakers to the conference held at the invitation of the French Committee for a Democratic Iran (CFID) and presided over by François Colcombet, judge and former member of French National Assembly, were:  Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance; Rudy Giuliani, former Mayor of New York and U.S. Presidential candidate (2008); Ed Rendell,  Leader of Democratic Party (1999-2001) and Governor of Pennsylvania (2002-2011); Tom Ridge, first U.S. Homeland Security Secretary (2003-2005); John Bolton former U.S. Ambassador to United Nations; Patrick Kennedy, former member of U.S. House of Representatives (1995-2011); Michael Mukasey, former U.S. Attorney General (2007-2009); Sid Ahmed Ghozali, former Prime Minister of Algeria; Ingrid Betancourt, former Columbian presidential candidate; Senator Robert Torricelli; Mitchell Reiss former Director of Policy Planning at the U.S. Department of State (2003-2005); Linda Chavez, former White House Director of Public Liaison; Dominique Lefebvre, member of French National Assembly,  General David Phillips, Commander of U.S. Military Police (2008-2011); Colonel Wesley Martin, former senior Anti-Terrorism Force Protection Officer for all Coalition Forces in Iraq and U.S. Commander for Protection of Ashraf ; Colonel Leo McCloskey, JIATF Commander in Ashraf until 2009; Professor Raymond Tanter, former member of U.S. National Security Council; and Dr. Allan Gerson, former Chief Counsel of U.S. delegation to United Nations. A delegation representing Syrian resistance and another parliamentary delegation from Egypt participated too and delivered their speech.
Speakers underscored that the 10-point plan of Mrs. Rajavi that includes universal democratic values, along with the opposition force under her leadership, constitutes a credible alternative to the mullahs’ regime that should be supported and recognized by the world community.
While supporting the rights of Ashraf and Liberty residents, speakers called for recognizing Liberty as a refugee camp and warned against conspiracy of mullahs and Government of Iraq to plunder residents’ properties. Criticizing UN representative’s actions, speakers described defending residents’ right to ownership of their movable and immovable property as a UN responsibility.
In her speech, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance Mrs. Maryam Rajavi stated that the trend of developments inside Iran, the advances of the Resistance, and the international developments all indicate the time for the mullahs’ regime downfall has come.
President-elect of the Iranian Resistance announced: The clerical regime is entangled in five considerable crises, including the explosive and escalating popular discontent, Syrian people’s uprising, infightings within the regime which is tearing apart the ruling body, the nuclear program deadlock, and the bankrupt economy. A retreat by mullahs in face of these escalating crises shall lead to uprisings and the disintegration of the regime, while continuing on the current course will lead to a confrontation and collision with the international community with the downfall of the mullahs as the end result. However, mullahs shall not be toppled out and by themselves. An organized movement is necessary to cultivate on the current ripe situation and to guide it to an assured victory.
Mrs. Rajavi added that the annulment of the terrorist label against the PMOI has given the abovementioned crises an overthrowing characteristic and has altered the balance of power between the resistance movement and the regime; has raised the self-confidence of the Iranian society, especially the youth; and has made possible the recuperation of the resistance movement inside the country making possible expansion of its resistance units and their joining together.
Mrs. Rajavi stressed: In the past four years, the Obama administration was officially following a policy of appeasement with the Iranian regime. This failed policy has given the mullahs a golden four-year-long opportunity for their nuclear program, has offered sovereignty in Iraq to the religious fascism, and has given the mullahs and their Iraqi proxies an open hand to suppress and massacre Ashraf residents. Mrs. Rajavi expressed hope that this administration would learn a lesson in its second term regarding the failure of conciliation and its colossal damages to the peoples of Iran, Iraq and the whole region so as to adopt a firm policy and respect the will of the Iranian people to overthrow the regime.
President-elect of the Iranian Resistance said: Despite international sanctions in some fields against this regime, still the prevailing policy of the west towards Iran is conciliation; otherwise we should ask them: why have you conceded to prolongation of the nuclear negotiations with the mullahs? Why loopholes in averting international sanctions by this regime are not closed up? Why heads of this regime are not tried for innumerable crimes against humanity?
Mrs. Rajavi stipulated, “what we are saying is that you should end this policy; wrap up the networks of agents of this regime’s infamous Intelligence Ministry in western countries, cut diplomatic relations with the regime of Velayat-e faqih and close the doors of its embassies!”
She said, “Fortunately, we have been witnessing a new approach by the French government having made a decision to recognize Syrian opposition coalition and to provide arms aid to the Free Syrian Army. We hope other countries would follow this same path.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 17, 2012