Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Maryam Rajavi’s statement on Iran nuclear deal

Maryam Rajavi: Circumventing six UN Security Council resolutions, an unsigned agreement will not close the mullahs' path to deception and access to nuclear bomb,...
IRGC’s brutal attack on Sepidar and Shiban prisons kills seven prisoners

IRGC’s Brutal Attack on Sepidar and Shiban Prisons Kills Seven Prisoners

Maryam Rajavi urges dispatch of an international fact-finding mission to Iran The suppressive forces’ brutal attack on Sepidar and Shiban prisoners and their families has...

Maryam Rajavi: Navid Afkari’s Cry for Justice Is the Cry of Thousands of Tortured...

Call for the condemnation of torture and crimes against humanity and for immediate action to secure the release of the Afkari brothers and all...

The First Day of the Free Iran World Summit 2021

Online summit of Iranians from 50,000 locations in 105 countries, including gatherings in 17 countries Maryam Rajavi: Installing Raisi as president a sign of the...

UN Adopts 67th Resolution Censuring Human Rights Violations in Iran

Maryam Rajavi Time has come to hold regime leaders accountable for continuing crimes against humanity such as the mass killing during the November 2019 uprising...

Iran: Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical Workers Strikes in 12 Provinces Enter Tenth-Day Running

Maryam Rajavi urges ILO, trade unions, and workers' rights organizations to support oil workers' strike Today, Monday, August 10, 2020, the nationwide strike of oil,...

Mrs. Rajavi Welcomed Swedish Court Verdict as a First Step

Mrs. Rajavi Welcomed Swedish Court Verdict as a First Step In the Path of Full Justice, Reiterating That Prosecuting Khamenei and Raisi and Other...

Mrs. Monika Kryemadhi and Socialist Movement for Integration Party Delegation Visit Ashraf-3

January 29, 2020: Mrs. Monika Kryemadhi, heading a delegation from the Socialist Movement for Integration Party, visited Ashraf-3 and met with Mrs. Maryam Rajavi,...
Albanian President Ilir Meta meets Iranian opposition leader Maryam Rajavi at Ashraf 3, Albania

Albanian President Ilir Meta Visits Ashraf 3 and Meets Mrs. Rajavi

On Friday September 13, 2019 midday his Excellency Ilir Meta, the President of the Republic of Albania, visited Ashraf 3, home to members...

Mrs. Rajavi’s Message to Iranians’ Demonstration in Brussels Against the Clerical Regime’s Shameful Deal...

Dealing with the regime over hostages is one step forward, 100 steps back, and every European and American citizen in Iran is also a...