Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Maryam Rajavi: Evicting Iran regime from Iraq and Syria is foremost step in securing...

Maryam Rajavi at Council of Europe Speaking at conference titled “The crisis of terrorism and fundamentalism, roots, solutions, role of religious dictatorship in Iran”:...

Maryam Rajavi: Terrorist attacks in Paris fundamentally incongruent with Islam

Gathering titled “In 2015, all for tolerance and democracy against religious extremism” Maryam Rajavi: Terrorist attacks in Paris fundamentally incongruent with Islam that advocates...

Maryam Rajavi welcomes French president’s call for Paris mass rally

The National Council of Resistance of Iran strongly welcomes and supports President Francois Hollande’s call for attending the Paris mass rally on Sunday. As...

Maryam Rajavi condemns criminal attack in Paris, offers her condolences to French people and...

NCRI - Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, strongly condemned the ruthless terrorist attack on the office of a French magazine in...

Maryam Rajavi: Iran regime is enemy of Christ and Mohammad and Godfather of all...

Maryam Rajavi on the occasion of Christmas and beginning of 2015: Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, congratulated all her Christian compatriots,...

Interview: Maryam Rajavi Discussing Nuclear Talks With Iranian regime

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance believes the Iranian regime must be placed under 'maximum international pressure and sanctions' if it...
Maryam Rajavi, Presiden-elect of the NCRI, speaking at the conference in the EU Parliament- Dec10, 2014

Maryam Rajavi: West must show resolve to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear bomb

Maryam Rajavi: West must show resolve if it is to stop Iranian regime from obtaining nuclear bomb Cooperation with Iranian regime under banner of fighting...

Maryam Rajavi: Rejecting ‘Islamic’ extremism requires confronting Iranian regime

Maryam Rajavi: The requisite for rejecting ‘Islamic’ extremism is to confront the Iranian regime and to support its alternative that is based on a...

Maryam Rajavi: Extension of nuclear talks provides Iranian regime with more time, endangers global...

Paris – French elected officials in conference against religious extremism and solidarity with Iranian Resistance Maryam Rajavi: Extending nuclear talks and providing Iranian regime...

Maryam Rajavi: Extension of Iran talks, pathway for mullahs to acquire nuclear bomb

Maryam Rajavi: Failure of the year-long negotiations, a seven-months extension of endless negotiations and ignoring Security Council resolutions, leave the way open for the...