New Year message of Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of Iranian Resistance


Bringing down the velayat-e faqih and a free and prosperous country without executions and torture are people’s indisputable rights

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, congratulated Iranians throughout the world, on the occasion of the New Year, Eid Nowruz, and the advent of spring and wished that in the new year the Iranian people and the world community would be liberated from the ominous rule of the criminal mullahs in Iran.

“New day and happiness, human rights, free elections, separation of religion and state, striving for a just life, a country without executions and torture, and rising up for bringing down the religious tyranny are your rights. These rights must be restituted and the usurpers and oppressors must be overthrown,” Mrs. Rajavi said.

“Our Iran is an amazingly beautiful garden with freedom and popular sovereignty. Baluchies and Kurds, Arabs and Lors, Bakhtiaries and Turkmens, Azeries and followers of various ethnic groups and faiths are the colorful, lovely flowers of Iran’s garden. And the day when Iran becomes the garden of freedom and justice is definitely on the way,” she emphasized.

Rajavi stated that the destruction and closure of regime’s nuclear sites was the outcome of Iranian people’s steadfastness and resistance and that now is the time to destroy regime’s revolutionary guards’ bases, the unjust courts, and the torture chambers.

“Khamenei wished to ensure the survival of his regime by attaining the nuclear bomb, but he was forced to a retreat that the leaders of his own regime call it the chalice of poison. He threw the entire regime into a quagmire during the sham elections. The Iranian regime was defeated in Yemen and suffered the loss of its most important commanders in Syria. The regime became so weak that the mullahs appealed for Russia’s interference. Russia’s intervention, however, did not last long despite massive bombardments and massacres, and the Iranian regime has now lost its backing,” she said.

Mrs. Rajavi noted that regime’s conspiracies against the Resistance, including the rocked barrage against Camp Liberty with the intent to annihilate the pioneers of the Iranian nation’s resistance movement, resulted in the Iranian people embracing their resistance more than ever.

She praised the resistance of the political prisoners and hailed the workers, teachers, nurses, and in particular the freedom-loving mothers, women and men in the past year who constantly rose to protest the pressures, discriminations and tyranny of this anti-human and anti-Iranian regime and called them the harbingers of Iranian people’s Eid and Nowruz.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 19, 2016

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