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HomeStatementsStatements: President-electMrs. Rajavi welcomes Bahrain FM call for “Friends of Iran” conference

Mrs. Rajavi welcomes Bahrain FM call for “Friends of Iran” conference

Necessary call to end carnage of Iranian people by mullahs’ regime, establish peace and friendship

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, welcomed Bahrain Foreign Minister’s proposal for a “Friends of Iran” conference, emphasizing while the religious fascism ruling Iran is pursuing a ruthless battle against the Iranian people and an aggressive war against the countries and nations of the region such as Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain, Yemen and …, such a conference is necessary to confront this regime, and in line with peace, friendship and brotherhood in the region. A regime that stands alongside the Syrian dictator with full force commanding, guiding and providing financial and arms support for the Syrian people’s massacre, and continues its efforts to obtain nuclear weapons, has endangered peace and tranquility in the region, especially in neighboring countries.

In a call published in the Asharq Al-Awsat daily, Bahrain Foreign Minister Sheikh Khaeld bin Ahmad al-Khalifah stressed the necessity to hold a “Friends of the Innocent People of Iran Conference”. In continuation of this call, the Bahrain Deputy Foreign Minister, Ambassador Ahmed Hamd Al-Amer, said “It is time to pay attention to the situation of the Iranian people who suffer from the suppression of freedoms, discrimination and inequality of the establishment”. By pointing out the clerical regime’s interventions in regional countries, he added “The goal of the regime is to put a cap on the catastrophic situation in Iran and the terrible and retrograding economic conditions from which the Iranian people suffer”.
Mrs. Rajavi said that the Iranian people and Resistance support the establishment of this conference by all means, and without a doubt various parliamentary groups, renowned dignitaries from across the world and prominent international jurists, who have for the past years supported the Iranian people and Resistance in their struggle to topple the religious fascism ruling in Iran and establish democracy, welcome and support the establishment of such a conference.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 24, 2012