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HomeStatementsStatements: President-electMaryam Rajavi: West must not tolerate torture, executions and abuses in Iran

Maryam Rajavi: West must not tolerate torture, executions and abuses in Iran

NCRI – Iranian Resistance leader Maryam Rajavi has urged the West to predicate economic ties with Iran to halt in the violations of human rights.

Maryam Rajavi also demanded that the members of Iranian oppositon movement, the People’s Moajhedin Oragnization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Camp Liberty, Iraq, be protected until they can be moved to safe havens abroad.

And she called for a UN investigation into the attack on political prisoners at Tehran’s Evin prison, and pressure on Iran to completely halt its nuclear enrichment and missile program.

Maryam Rajavi told a conference at the French National Assembly in Paris on May 6: “The situation of human rights in Iran is critical. Since the election of Hassan Rouhani, more than 700 have been executed.

“On April 17, the ruling theocracy launched a barbaric, premeditated assault on political prisons in Evin prison, severely beating and injuring a large number of them and preventing the hospitalization of those injured. In the face popular rage and families’ protests, the regime tried, as it does so routinely, to blame the victims. Regrettably, Western governments ignored these crimes and did not even utter a nominal word of condemnation.

“Tehran has been able maintain its nuclear facilities and even increase its enrichment capabilities. In parallel, it has pursued its ballistic missile program with impunity. Supreme Leader Khamenei said in a recent meeting with the regime’s nuclear experts and functionaries that none of the nuclear installations would be dismantled.”

And with Iran also facing crippling inflation and unemployment, the regime is at greater risk than ever of being overthrown, Mrs Rajavi said.

Maryam Rajavi added: “We invite the international community, in particular France, to press the regime to accept NPT’s additional protocol and completely halt its enrichment and missile programs;

“Predicate economic ties on a halt in the violations of human rights and an end to executions and torture. The Security Council must launch an investigation into the barbaric raid on prisoners at Evin Prison and mass executions in Iran and bring those responsible before justice.

“We call on the UN, the U.S. and the EU to initiate an independent probe into the massacres at Ashraf and Liberty. These are the highest guarantees to stop these crimes.

“The Iraqi government must be compelled to allow the installation of protective facilities and equipment at Liberty. We urge the speedy relocation of the residents of Liberty, especially the sick and the wounded to Europe and America.

“We count on the support of France’s elected representatives as regards human rights in Iran and protection of the residents of Liberty. In the hope that someday, the Iranian people could honor their friends of times of hardship in an Iran liberated from the oppression of religious fundamentalism; a secular and democratic Iran.”