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Maryam Rajavi: To achieve peace and democracy in the region evict Iranian regime


Paris  Conference on “Religious dictatorship in Iran, epicenter of sectarian wars in the Middle East”:

Maryam Rajavi: The prerequisite for peace and democracy in the region is eviction of the Iranian regime as the focal point of extremism and terrorism


• We condemn the bombing of Palestinian people. The massacre of civilians in Gaza distracts attentions from Iraq and Syria, benefits the Iranian regime, and should be ceased immediately

• Sending weapons by the Iranian regime to Iraq and Syria is violation of the Security Council resolutions. The international community should stop the mullahs from sending weapons.

• Cooperation between U.S. and Iranian regime in Iraq is a horrendous mistake. The sole way out of Iraq’s crisis is the removal of Maliki, eviction of the Iranian regime, and the establishment of an inclusive nationalistic government

NCRI– The speakers stressed that with the support of Western countries for Maliki and closing of eyes on his atrocities and by abstaining from actively supporting the Syrian democratic opposition, these countries have played the major role in the growth of extremism and terrorism.

On Saturday, July 26, in the conference of “Religious dictatorship in Iran epicenter of sectarian wars in the Middle East” in Paris, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, called the system of Velayat-e faqih in Iran as the party that under the banner of Islam emanates extremism and is the principal element in the calamities and crises imposed on the Islamic World in Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and elsewhere in the region.

In this conference held at the presence of political and religious personalities from various countries from four continents, Rajavi described eviction of the Iranian regime as the practical solution to achieve peace, tolerance and democracy in the region. Concerning regional developments Mrs. Rajavi emphasized on the following points:

1. We condemn the bombing of the defenseless people of Palestine by Israel and call for immediate action by the international community to stop the carnage and attacks against the civilians. We support the efforts of President Mahmoud Abbas to reach an immediate ceasefire. These attacks, which divert international attention from the crises in Iraq and Syria, serve, first and foremost, the interests of the Iranian regime and disrupt the process of ending the partition of Palestine and the formation of a national unity government, about which the regime is extremely annoyed.

2. Iranian regime’s dispatch of weapons, equipment and war planes to Iraq and Syria to preserve Maliki and Assad dictatorships is a violation of Security Council Resolutions. The world community must end its silence in this regard and force the clerical regime to stop sending weapons.

3. The U.S. government must not fall into the trap of taking sides and cooperating with the Iranian regime by providing support for a regime in Iraq which the mullahs are trying to prop up. This would be another major blunder in Iraq and will have no outcome other than plunging Iraq into civil war.

4. Fabrications by the Iranian regime about the Mujahedin-e Khalq supporting and having links with ISIS are absolutely false. The purpose of these lies is nothing but setting the stage for the massacre of the Mujahedin and a repeat of the humanitarian catastrophes.

5. While we voice our abhorrence over the oppression and aggression against the Christians in Mosul, we support the position of the Association of Muslim Scholars and Iraqi tribes in condemning the forced displacement of Christians. The Association of Scholars has correctly characterized the suppression of Christians by the ISIS as “crimes against the innocents and departing from a path put forth by the Prophet of Islam in treating Christians and followers of other religions” and has called for the return of the Christians to their homes.

6. We urge the Arab and Muslim countries in the region to sever their political ties with the mullahs’ regime in protest against its export of terrorism and fundamentalism and its genocide in Syria and Iraq, as well as its incitement of wars and sectarian conflict in the Arab world, from Bahrain to Yemen and Lebanon.

7. The P5+1 appeasement of the Iranian regime regarding the nuclear issue and allowing itself to be dragged into the endless marathon of talks will bear no fruit other than giving this regime the opportunity to engage in further deception. The international community must demand the full implementation of Security Council resolutions, specifically a complete halt to enrichment. Nuclear talks must be coupled with holding the religious dictatorship to account as regards the flagrant violations of human rights in Iran, and the genocides in Syria and Iraq. Nuclear concealment, the abuse of human rights, and the export of fundamentalism and terrorism are three indispensable attributes of the regime.

In another part of her speech Rajavi said: “The Iranian regime and its Iraqi puppets are trying to exploit the current situation in Iraq to set up the stage for suppressive and criminal actions against them. Under such circumstances, the United Nations and the United States must immediately transfer all of them either to Europe or to the U.S. consistent with their commitments and international law. And until then, they must undertake urgent measures to ensure their protection at Camp Liberty by stationing a unit of the Blue Helmets there.”

Other speakers to the conference were Sid Ahmed Ghozali, former Prime Minister of Algeria; Dr. BadrJamous, vice President of the Syrian Coalition; Dr. Nazir Hakim al-Merfaq, Secretariat of this coalition; Mohamed Elorabi, former Foreign Minister of Egypt; Sheik Khalil Meroun, head of Evry Mosque in France; from Jordan Ms. Na’ayem al-Alajarameh, Chair of Parliamentary Committee on Women and Family, and MaddallahAltarawneh, legislator and leader of Allameh Party; from MoroccoNajimehTaytay, former Minister of Education and Youths, and Na’imaBushareb, parliamentarian; from France Bernard Kouchner, former Foreign Minister, and Rama Yade, former Minister on Human Rights; WalidPhares, Middle East expert; Marc Ginsberg, former U.S. Ambassador to Morocco; Sabah Almokhtar, Iawyer from Iraq; ZahedOrouge, parliamentarian from Azerbaijan; Amal al-Dube’I, Yemenis Judge; Jalal Ganjei, Chairman of the Committee on Freedom of Religion of the National Council of Resistance of Iran; personalities and delegations from Imam’s of mosques and Muslim committees of France; and the representatives of a number of Iranian associations and societies.

Speakers stipulated that summarizing the problem in Iraq as ISIS is a dangerous blunder that will only serve the interests of ISIS and the regime of Iran. They stated that the only way to prevent the expansion of this war is to oust Maliki and support the Iraqi people, tribes and groups who are the principal elements of this great uprising and are themselves the best response to extremism as well. They accentuated that in the U.S. and Western countries’ support for Maliki in Iraq and in turning a blind eye on his atrocities against the Iraqi people and in particular the Sunnis, as well as their inaction against the anti-human atrocities of Bashar Assad and refraining from actively shoring up the democratic opposition in that country, the United States and the Western countries have played the biggest role in the escalation of extremism and terrorism.

In this conference the messages of solidarity by Dr. Tariq Hashemi, former vice-President of Iraq; Colonel Riaz al-Assad, one of the founders of the Free Syrian Army; as well as messages from dozens of generals and senior officers of the Free Syrian Army and many legislators and political activists from Arab and Muslim countries with the goals of this conference were read out.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 26, 2014