Maryam Rajavi: The New Year will be the year of overthrow of Iranian regime

NCRI – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, congratulated all Iranians, political prisoners, families of martyrs, and supporters and members of the Iranian Resistance, especially the members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Ashraf and Camp Liberty, on the occasion of the coming of spring of 1392 and wished that this would be the year of mullahs’ regime downfall and realization of freedom and democracy in Iran.

She noted that the year that ended was a year of crises, deadlock and wretchedness for the mullahs and that the New Year would be the year of downfall of mullahs.

Alluding to the sham elections of the mullahs, Mrs. Rajavi said that on the one hand the supreme leader has mobilized the Basij, IGRC and all of regime’s political and intelligence apparatuses to bring his desired candidate out of the ballot box, and on the other hand he is concerned about the political and international consequences of his policy of contraction. Any way the supreme leader may choose, even if he manages to get his most favorite man for president, this regime would still leave the elections in a weaker and feebler position.

Mrs. Rajavi stated: In the case of Ashraf and Liberty, the capability and perseverance of this resistance was put to test. To escape their downfall, mullahs placed the annihilation of Ashrafis on their agenda. The U.S. government and the United Nations, based on their policy of appeasement and disgrace, turned their backs to their political and legal responsibilities and got along with the process desired by the religious fascism ruling Iran.

She emphasized that the main issue in Camp Liberty is the insecurity of its 3100 residents. Those who instead of transferring all of this population that are facing danger, just insist on resettling a small percentage of them, are in fact victimizing the majority of PMOI for their irresponsible policies.

Maryam Rajavi called on all Iranians to confront mullahs’ regime and said, “In the face of regime’s pressures, defeat the monster of despair, fear, sadness and bitterness in your life, mind and spirit, and by your persistence, solidarity and sympathy, rid Iran and the world from the stain of this regime that is the archenemy of the Iranian people and the main enemy of world’s peace and security. In this path, you should rely more than ever on the PMOI members in Ashraf and Liberty, who are symbols of resistance and struggle at any price for Iran’s freedom.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 20, 2013

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