Mrs. Maryam Rajavi describes Brussels terrorist attacks as crime against humanity, issues strong condemnation


The President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, strongly condemned the terrorist attacks against the Brussels airport and subway station, describing them as crimes against humanity. She offered her condolences to the Belgian people and government, expressed deep sympathies to the families of the victims of this terrorist crime, and prayed for a speedy recovery for the wounded.

The Iranian people, who for the past 37 years have been suffering under the menacing rule of the religious and terrorist fascism of the mullahs or the “Godfathers of Daesh” (ISIS), are too familiar with these atrocities and feel the pain of the peoples of Belgium and Europe in these difficult moments.

Fundamentalism and terrorism under the banner of Islam became a global and regional threat only after the advent of the religious dictatorship in Iran. The rise of terrorist groups under the Shiite or Sunni banners is directly or indirectly tied to this regime.

As the Iranian Resistance has warned repeatedly over the past three decades, the defeat of this ominous phenomenon will only be possible with the overthrow of the clerical regime and the establishment of democracy in Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 22, 2016

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