Maryam Rajavi Speaks at French Senate Conference:


Iranian regime is not West’s ally; instead of countering ISIS, it seeks to expand its hegemony over Iraq and Syria, cleanse Sunnis

• Extending break out time by six or nine months is not a solution after three decades of concealment by Tehran.

• The guaranteed solution is comprised of stringent implementation of six Security Council resolutions, full halt to enrichment and closure of all nuclear sites

NCRI – “The religious dictatorship ruling Iran is the cause of instability in the region,” the Iranian Resistance’s President-elect Maryam Rajavi told a meeting at the French Senate on Tuesday, May 4.

At the conference entitled, “Islamic Fundamentalism from Middle East to Europe, Challenges and Solutions”, Maryam Rajavi reiterated: It is a dangerous mistake to assume that the Iranian regime and the West are natural allies in confronting the ISIS, because instead of confronting the ISIS, the mullahs are engaged in a dreadful cleansing of the Sunnis and seek to expand their hegemony over Iraq and Syria.

Mrs. Rajavi asserted that the Arab Coalition’s formation upset the mullahs’ calculations in the occupation of Yemen. She underscored that it is also possible to deal effective blows to fundamentalism and extremism in Iraq and Syria by expelling the Iranian regime from those lands, arming the Iraqi Sunni tribes to confront the ISIS, and assisting the moderate Syrian opposition to remove Assad.

Reminding her statement before the U.S. congressional hearing on April 29, she emphasized, “Islamic fundamentalism which dominated the region with the mullahs’ rise to power in Iran, will ultimately be terminated with the demise of the Iranian regime.”

Mrs. Rajavi was invited to the Senate meeting by the French Committee for a Democratic Iran. She pointed out: The Iranian regime is extremely unstable and falsely portrays itself as a regional power. Without such aggressive interferences and without the nuclear bomb, the power of the Vali-e Faqih will rapidly diminish. More than 1500 executions have been carried out so far under Rouhani because the regime finds itself more vulnerable than ever in the face of resistance.

The meeting was opened by Senator Alain Néri, president of the French Committee for a Democratic Iran, and his colleague, Senator Bernard Fournier, member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Prominent political figures including former Algerian Prime Minister Sid-Ahmed Ghozali; Mr. Nadhir Hakim, Political Board Secretary of the National Coalition of Syrian Revolution; Ms. Aude de Thuin, ex-President of Women’s International Forum; Philosopher Cynthia Fleury ; a number of senators from different political tendencies in France as well as Senator Jean-Pierre Michel and Mr. François Colcombet, founding members of the French Committee for a Democratic Iran; took part in the conference. Paris First District Mayor Jean-Francois Legaret also addressed the meeting.

Mrs. Rajavi enumerated the Resistance’s viewpoints on the Iranian regime’s nuclear program in eight articles:

1. “From the viewpoint of Iran’s ruling mullahs, the nuclear bomb is indispensable to their survival and to their dominance over the region. Khamenei’s fatwa on the unlawfulness of nuclear weapons is a deceit. Khomeini advised Khamenei that the ‘Vali-e Faqih (or the supreme leader) may unilaterally revoke his religious contracts with the people’ should the interests of the regime demand;

2. “Tehran’s nuclear projects are absolutely antipatriotic and the people of Iran strongly oppose them. In diametric opposition to the regime, we seek a democratic and non-nuclear Iran;

3. “Acquiring the nuclear bomb, violation of human rights, export of fundamentalism, and terrorism are four pillars of Iran’s ruling theocracy. The situation of human rights in Iran, as well as the expulsion of the mullahs from Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Afghanistan, etc. are the proper gauges indicating whether this regime has given up on nuclear bomb. Anything less, under whatever pretext, is a deceit tantamount to capitulating to the catastrophe of nuclear-armed mullahs;

4. “The addition of six or nine months to the break out time is not any solution for a regime that has been engaged for three decades in concealment and deception. The only guarantee is stringent implementation of the six UN Security Council resolutions, complete termination of enrichment, and compelling the mullahs to close off their nuclear sites as well as their relevant WMD and missile projects;

5. “Intrusive inspections of all military and non-military sites, anytime and anywhere;

6. “The regime should account on the military dimensions of its nuclear projects, nuclear experts and networks smuggling nuclear equipment;

7. “Snapping back sanctions in case of the Iranian regime’s cheating or breach of agreement is neither practical nor realistic or logical. No sanctions should be lifted until the regime has completely set aside its nuclear program, otherwise they will use the flood of money to buy weapons including advanced missiles from Russia while they have not yet signed any agreement;

8. “According to the Iranian Resistance’s 36-year experience, Tehran mullahs understand only the language of force and firmness. The time has come for major powers to stop appeasing and giving concessions to this bloodletting religious tyranny, the central banker of terrorism and the world’s top perpetrator of the death penalty. Instead, they should recognize the Iranian people’s right for resistance and freedom.”

Mrs. Rajavi finally expressed hope that France would lead a practical initiative to obstruct the mullahs’ pathways to the nuclear bomb, just as it played a deterrent role in recent talks against appeasing policies.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 5, 2015


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