Maryam Rajavi: Sanctions necessary, but not a response to A-bomb

NCRI – The International Atomic Energy Agency report left no doubt about the clerical regime’s secret projects to build nuclear weapons and the accuracy of the Iranian Resistance’s two-decade long revelations in this regard. The shock resulting from the articles of the agency’s report has forced the international community to think how and with what option can international peace and security be provided and guaranteed against nuclear weapons in the hands of the medieval velayat-e faqih regime.

Completely frightened and worried over the consequences of the IAEA’s report, Khamenei in his yesterday’s speech at a Tehran military academy explicitly resorted to terrorist threats against the US and its allies, saying the clerical regime’s response to any threat or attack “will be responded in such a way that they will be imploded from within.” In a pre-emptive measure, Khamenei continued by threatening anyone who “even thinks” of attacking the nuclear mullahs “should get ready to receive a strong slap and an iron fist.”

On the subject of various options to neutralize the mullahs’ nuclear threat, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance announced: “Not only for the Iranian people, but for humanity, peace and security in the Middle East, I warn that sanctions against this regime are necessary but they are not the answer to nuclear weapons. The answer is in the “Third Option”, the overthrow of the clerical regime and elimination of its nuclear and terrorist centers. Therefore, I emphasize that the only solution to prevent the terrorist dictatorship ruling Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and the only solution that guarantees international peace and stability is the change of this regime and welcoming a democratic and non-nuclear Iran.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 11, 2011

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