Maryam Rajavi: Religious dictatorship ruling Iran cannot save itself by committing a crime against humanity at Camp Liberty


The Iranian Resistance’s President-elect Maryam Rajavi hailed the martyrs and those injured in the October 29 missile attack on Camp Liberty, describing them as symbols of admirable persistence of the people of Iran in their struggle to overthrow the mullahs’ religious fascism and achieve freedom.

Mrs. Rajavi declared: Officially and legally, the Government of Iraq and the United Nations –who signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the final days of 2011 and have established Camp Liberty for four years as a “Temporary Transit Location (TTL)”– must account for this attack. However, the Iranian regime’s agents in the government of Iraq are directly responsible for the attack as it was the case in the six previous bloodbaths in camps Ashraf and Liberty, and the United States and the United Nations are fully aware of this reality.

Maryam Rajavi underlined: By any definition, it is a crime against humanity to attack defenseless refugees who have no arms and no shields to protect themselves, and its perpetrators must be brought to justice.

In circumstances when the clerical regime had no choice but to step back from its nuclear bomb project, while it is facing increasing feuding within the regime, while it is experiencing successive defeats in Syria and its commanders are getting killed one after the other, and while the spirit of protest and resistance in Iranian society is higher than ever, Khamenei clearly needs to commit such crimes to preserve his regime, she asserted and added: This regime, however, is not going to evade its certain downfall which the Iranian people urgently demand. Those killed and wounded in Camp Liberty are the Iranian people’s sacrifices made in their quest to uproot the mullahs’ religious dictatorship.

Rajavi reiterated: The latest crime against humanity vis-a-vis Camp Liberty freedom-fighters is the other side of the coin of 1,000 executions in this year carried out with the complicity of all the regime’s factions. As the regime’s president and head of the Supreme National Security Council, Rouhani is directly responsible for this crime against humanity. On August 31, 2015, he dubbed the PMOI as terrorist to prepare the grounds for such crimes and emphasized that wherever it is necessary, “we will act with all our power and potentials against terrorism.”

By dispatching Intelligence Ministry agents to Camp Liberty in recent months, the clerical regime got involved in preparation for yet another crime against which the Iranian Resistance repeatedly raised alarm in dozens of letters, statements, meetings and telephone calls to UN and US officials.

Mrs. Rajavi expressed regret that the US and UN have failed to fulfill their official, written commitments to protect Camp Liberty thus far. She called on them to ensure provision of security for Camp Liberty residents and take urgent action to bring out the dossier and management of Camp Liberty of the hands of those associated with the Iranian regime.

The Iranian Resistance’s President-elect pointed out: How could Camp Liberty be immune under missile attacks, repeated several times so far, when it is controlled by murderers of Ashraf residents, when residents are living in highly vulnerable trailers that their surrounding T-walls have been taken away, and when they are not given their protective helmets and vests?

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 31, 2015

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