Maryam Rajavi: Nisman is a martyr for peace and humanity and Iranian people


Maryam Rajavi: Prosecutor Alberto Nisman is a martyr for peace and humanity and not just a martyr of the Argentinean people

In particular, he is considered a martyr of the Iranian people and resistance against the religious and terrorist fascism ruling Iran

NCRI – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, speaking about the Argentinean prosecutor Alberto Nisman, assassinated on the verge of a hearing at the Argentinean parliament in the fight against state sponsored terrorism, the religious fascism ruling Iran, and collaborations in this regard, said: Dr. Alberto Nisman is not just a martyr of the Argentinean people, but a martyr for peace and humanity in the fight against terrorism.

In particular, he is considered a martyr of the Iranian people and their resistance in their fight against fundamentalism and terrorism emanating from this regime. He valiantly stood up against the mullahs’ regime and exposed the dirty political and economic deals aimed at saving this regime from the great crime of the AMIA bombing and refused to give in to the repeated and escalating threats against him in the recent months.

The objective of this cowardly assassination is to obscure the reality and wash the hands of the religious fascism ruling Iran from the great crime of AMIA and to pave the way for deals with the mullahs. From the very first days after this massive terrorist explosion, the Iranian Resistance exposed that the decision for the bombing was taken at regime’s Supreme National Security Council and that its perpetrators were the regime’s leaders, its intelligence ministry and Qods Force, and the Lebanese Hezbollah. This matter was brought in detail to the attention of the investigative judge of the case in several meetings at the Argentine Embassy in Paris by Mr. Ebrahim Zakeri, PMOI (MEK) official and the time Chair of the Security and Anti-terrorism Commission of the National Council of Resistance (NCRI), and his colleagues.

“Although the anti-human mullahs’ regime and its collaborators took away a noble and courageous prosecutor from the international community, but this cowardly assassination shall not bring justice to a halt and doubtless the leaders of the mullahs’ regime will surely face justice for hundreds of terrorist acts, as well as the execution of 120,000 political prisoners and the slaughter of the peoples of Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon,” Mrs. Rajavi added.

Alluding to the political steps taken by the clerical regime to pave the way prior to the murder of Prosecutor Nisman, Mrs. Rajavi called for an independent international probe to find the perpetrators of this great crime against truth and justice. “An investigation into this matter is part of the investigation into the AMIA crime and will surely shed added light on the role of the Iranian regime in that crime as well. Any one of the crimes perpetrated by this regime as the bankroller of state sponsored terrorism, if investigated, will lead to the most senior officials of this regime. Export of terrorism is a tool for this regime to advance its policies and it shall never abandon it. The appeasement of the mullahs by the West has encouraged them in their export of terrorism and fundamentalism, such that today, its terrorist and fundamentalist crimes have engulfed the whole region,” she emphasized.

According to the investigations by Prosecutor Nisman, the plan to blow up the Jewish center in Buenos Aires was discussed in a meeting of Iranian regime’s Supreme National Security Council on 14 August 1993 by Khamenei (the supreme leader), Hashemi Rafsanjani (President), Ali Akbar Velayati (Foreign Minister), and Ali Fallahian (Minister of Intelligence). Once the decision for the bombing was finalized, Khamenei tasked the intelligence ministry and the revolutionary guards’ Qods Force (IRGC-QF) to carry out the bombing. At that time, Ahmad Vahidi was the Commander of the Qods Force and Mohsen Rezaii was the Commander of IRGC. Nisman’s investigation reveals that Mullah Mohsen Rabbani, the lead in regime’s terrorism in Latin America who was working there under the cover of regime’s cultural attaché at mullahs’ embassy in Buenos Aires, along with another agent from the ministry of intelligence called Ahmad Reza Asghari working under the cover of embassy’s Third Secretary, and Imad Moghnia, the military commander of Hezbollah, were involved in implementing this plan.

On 25 October 2006, the Argentinean prosecutor issued international arrest warrants for the above individuals except for Khamenei. Nisman worked hard for the trial of these individuals in absentia. The hysterical enmity of the mullahs’ regime toward Prosecutor Nisman is evident from the fact that at least five of the eight people whose arrest warrants have been issued, namely Rafsanjani, the Head of the State Exigency Council; Velayati, Advisor to Khamenei; Fallahian, member of the Assembly of Experts and a Khamenei advisor; Mohsen Rezaii, Secretary of the State Exigency Council; and Ahmad Vahidi, member of the State Exigency Council and member of Strategic Council on Foreign Relations, are all senior officials of the clerical regime and their trial in absentia will turn into a trial of the regime as a whole and will thus affect Khamenei as well.

It was not coincidental that mullahs’ regime media, especially Fars, the IRGC news agency, disseminated numerous fallacious reports during the days January 15 thru 18, or the days prior to the assassination of Prosecutor Nisman, which completely distorted the reality and were aimed at depicting that Nisman’s insistence on the responsibility of the Iranian regime in the AMIA bombing “had raised strong protests from various sectors in this country (Argentina)” and thus “the Argentinean society is enraged by Nisman” (Fars News Agency – January 17).

The IRGC news agency heinously reported on 18 January 2015 that “Nisman is an American and Israeli prosecutor and instead of serving his country’s judicial system is carrying out activities for U.S. and the Zionist regime’s intelligence organizations”. Doubtless these absurd statements were paving the way for the assassination of Dr. Nisman.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 28, 2015


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