Maryam Rajavi: New Iranian year, a year of strides towards freedom and popular rule

Maryam Rajavi: the ending year was the year of uprising, Ashraf and crumbling of the clerical rule, and the New Year is going to be the year of new strides towards freedom and popular rule


NCRI – Marking the Persian New Year on March 20, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, hailed the valiant martyrs of the Iranian people’s uprising over the past year and the martyrs of Camp Ashraf last summer. She congratulated the people of Iran who with their determination and persistence in confronting the mullahs’ tyranny illustrated the real message of Nowrouz, the Iranian New Year.

Mrs. Rajavi described the past year as the year of Ashraf, the uprising and the crumbling of the system of velayat-e faqih (absolute clerical rule), and the new Iranian year (1389) as the year of new strides towards freedom and popular rule. The mullahs failed last year in suppressing the uprising and eliminating Ashraf, she said.

The regime tries in vain to intimidate people and quell the uprising with its Revolutionary Guards, paramilitary Bassij and countless other suppressive organs; however, the uprising is not going to be stopped and there is a storm on the way that will inevitably uproot the mullahs rule.

The people of Iran and anyone who seeks a new political and social life in the country would inevitably want the clerical rule, with all its internal factions, to be uprooted and the regime’s political structure and institutions, in particular its constitution, destroyed.

Mrs. Rajavi reiterated that the year which ended was the year of appeasers being discredited on the international stage. They did everything to engage the religious fascism. To the benefit of the mullahs, they postponed UN Security Council resolutions and they hyped up the mullahs’ presidential elections even before they took place. But they only helped bring the regime closer to obtaining a nuclear weapon and opened the way for its terrorism and warmongering in the region. But facing them was a wide front of freedom-seekers across the globe and their representatives in various national parliaments that came to the support of the Resistance movement and the Iranian people’s uprising and Ashraf. A majority of MPs in Norway, Finland, and the UK and a majority of U.S. Congressmen issued statements in defense of Ashraf.

Mrs. Rajavi urged the people of Iran to come to the aid of relatives of the martyrs and political prisoners and those who suffered during the nationwide uprising in this New Year. She wished Iranians a prosperous year ahead for the establishment of a new Iran based on freedom and people’s free choice, gender equality, democracy, respect for human rights and the abolishment of all forms of discrimination against followers of various religions.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 21, 2010


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