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Maryam Rajavi in Geneva: UNHCR is responsible for protection of Camp Liberty residents

•    They should immediately take on the initiative to return residents to Ashraf

•    Mullahs struggling for their very existence would not spare any effort to carry out a larger scale massacre in Camp Liberty

NCRI – In an international conference in Geneva, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance Maryam Rajavi stipulated that the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is responsible for the protection of Camp Liberty residents and it is imperative that it immediately puts on its agenda the initiative of returning residents to Ashraf as a place with relative protection until residents’ transfer to third countries.

Mrs. Rajavi warned that the clerical regime facing irreversible crises would spare no effort to commit a massacre of a much larger scale than the February 9 attack against the defenseless residents. Residents’ urgent protection and security requires that United States that is responsible for their protection, either transfers all of them to that country or if this is impractical, then they should all immediately return to Ashraf with transfer to third countries taking place from there.

In this conference convened by mayor of Geneva Remy Pagani, political and human rights figures from Sweden, Europe, United States and Islamic countries stressed on an urgent action by United Nations to return residents to Ashraf before a greater massacre takes place.

The speakers at the conference included:

Gov. Ed Rendell, Leader of Democratic Party (1999-2001) and Governor of Pennsylvania (2002-2011);
Gunter Verheugen, European Commissioner (1999-2009);
John Bolton, former US Ambassador to the United Nations;
Patrick Kennedy,  Member of US House of Representatives (1995-2011);
Ingrid Betancourt, Columbian presidential candidate;
 Sid Ahmed Ghozali, former prime minister of Algeria;
Eric Voruz، The Swiss Member of Parliment;
Jean Ziegler, Deputy UN Human Rights Advisory Committee;
Tahar Boumedra, former senior UN official in Iraq and in charge of Ashraf and Liberty file for 3.5 years.

The speakers pointed out that initial transfer from Ashraf  to Liberty, where is a prison according to the assessments of UN experts was carried out against the will of residents by giving specific assurances on UN behalf for their security and protection; however, the February 9th attack proved well that the notion of security and protection in Liberty is nothing but a mirage, and mullahs’ regime intends  to turn it into a killing field with complicity of Iraqi government.  

They reminded that in addition to the lives of 3,100 defenseless refugees, the credibility and reputation of United Nations as the highest international body and commitments by its highest authorities is at stake.

In her speech Mrs. Rajavi stated, “The reality is that the regime of Velayat-e faqih ruling Iran is in the stage of its demise and faces various dilemmas… incessant executions in Iran that we are witnessing is to curb the rebellion and public wrath in a bid to cover its crises on the eve of sham presidential elections. In a situation where circumstances are ripe for the great change, attack on defenseless residents of Camp Liberty bespeaks of fear of mullahs from the organized Resistance.

Three days ago, the Quds Force of Revolutionary Guards, using head of one of its affiliated groups Jaish al-Mukhtar as a mouthpiece, declared that they would attack the PMOI in the near future. He emphasized that he receives his political and military orders from Khamenei himself. Because of the crisis and the fragile situation of the regime, Khamenei may decide on another attack at any moment. Therefore, not even one day should be lost in transferring the residents from this camp.”

In another part of her speech Maryam Rajavi said: “The eviction of Ashraf residents from their home where they had built with their effort and adequate facilities was a plan dictated to the Iraqi dictator by the religious fascism ruling Iran, and unfortunately, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative assumed this mission and advanced this project in close contact with the mullahs’ regime officials. He completed this mission with three major lies: deceptively conforming Liberty with humanitarian standards, pledging a speedy transfer to third countries, and security in Liberty. This is while he knew from the very beginning that none of the three pledges were true.”

Having enumerated some violations and breach of pledges made to Liberty residents by SRSG in Iraq, Mrs. Rajavi asked, “What organization will see to this complaint that in the case of Ashraf and Liberty the UN stood on the side of the new Iraq dictatorship, and neglected our dozens of warnings regarding the outbreak of a humanitarian catastrophe” ?

Geneva international conference was held simaltanous with the latest round of P5+1 negotiations with the mullahs’ regime over its nuclear crisis.

Iranian Resistance President-elect pointed out, “After 40 rounds of negotiations, is there any doubt that the mullahs’ regime is neither interested nor capable of an agreement about its nuclear programs? Mullahs’ regime cannot abandon its nuclear program despite suffering so many crises for it, because it is too weak to perform such maneuvers. The regime well knows that even one step backward would lead to a faster overthrow. Khamenei is after nuclear weapon. Acquiring nuclear weapon is intertwined with the existence of the regime and he would never give it up.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 27, 2013