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Maryam Rajavi: Extension of nuclear talks provides Iranian regime with more time, endangers global peace and security


Paris – French elected officials in conference against religious extremism and solidarity with Iranian Resistance

Maryam Rajavi: Extending nuclear talks and providing Iranian regime with more time pushes global peace and security to a dangerous precipice

ISIS is the by-product of Iranian regime’s support for Assad and Maliki and of their atrocities; ISIS cannot be fought without eviction of this regime from the region

NCRI – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of Iranian Resistance, speaking at a conference held in Paris’ 2nd District Municipality titled “French elected officials against religious extremism and in solidarity with Resistance” on Tuesday, November 25, said: “A seven-month extension of nuclear talks provides the Iranian regime with more time to bring regional and global peace and security to a dangerous precipice.”

“Failure to reach an agreement after a year of negotiations demonstrates that the Iranian regime is so weak and vulnerable that despite unwarranted concessions by the West is unable to abandon its nuclear bomb-making project. This vulnerability has deepened since the ouster from power of its protégé Maliki”, she added.

Mrs. Rajavi noted that the groundwork for the failure of the new round of nuclear talks was the “West’s retreat from the UN Security Council resolutions during the past year”. “The other aspect of this utterly feeble approach was the shameful silence with regard to the horrendous violation of human rights in Iran, as well as the criminal meddling of this regime in the region. This ignorance by governments has victimized the fate of the Iranian people and the nations in the region”, she added.

This conference was held at the invitation of the “Committee of French Mayors in Defense of Ashraf.”
“The full implementation of the Security Council resolutions, complete halt in uranium enrichment and international snap inspections of all suspect centers and sites are the sole tools to block the Iranian regime’s path to the nuclear bomb. This is impossible to secure without a firm policy that would put in place comprehensive sanctions. Concurrently, this policy needs to recognize the will of the Iranian people and resistance for a regime change,” Mrs. Rajavi emphasized in her speech.

The President-elect of the Iranian Resistance called ISIS the by-product of mullahs’ support for Bashar Assad and Maliki, as well as the sectarian policies and suppression and marginalization of a vast segment of Iraqi and Syrian populations that was implemented by Maliki and Bashar Assad at the behest of the mullahs ruling Iran.

Rajavi warned of the dangerous policy that continues to overlook the crimes of the Iranian regime and its militias in Iraq and Syria. “Although the eviction of the Iranian regime from the region, especially from Syria and Iraq, is the requisite for resolving the crisis, some introduce the clerical regime as an ally in the fight against ISIS, either in an unwitting mistake or in acting in line with their own interests. But involving the mullahs in the crisis in Iraq would neither stop the regime’s nuclear bomb nor would it put an end to ISIS. To the contrary, it would fuel the ISIS terror machine since the Iranian regime’s presence in the region intensifies sectarian conflicts,” she said.

On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Mrs. Rajavi saluted all Iranian women who are waging resistance against the mullahs’ barbarity and said: “In response to the popular disenchantment and growing protests, mullahs are resorting to barbaric suppression, particularly against defenseless women and girls, public executions, and hanging a person every eight hours. This proves the reality that the regime’s president Hassan Rouhani has even failed in pretending to be a moderate.”

In addition to Mrs. Rajavi, a number of French mayors spoke at the conference, including:
Jean-François Legaret, mayor of the 1st District of Paris and co-chair of the Committee of French Mayors in Defense of Ashraf; Jacques Boutault, mayor of the 2nd District of Paris; Alain Néri, President of the French Committee for a Democratic Iran (CFID) in Senate; Jean-Pierre Béquet, member of the Val d’Oise provincial council; Sylvie Fassier, mayor of Le Pin; Céleste Lett, member of national parliament and the deputy mayor of Sarreguemines; Jean Lassalle, deputy mayor of Oloron-Sainte-Marie; Yves Bonnet, honorary governor; Bruno Macé, mayor of Villiers-Adam.

The mayors who were from the entire French political spectrum voiced their solidarity with the struggle by the Iranian Resistance for freedom, democracy and secularism and issued a statement emphasizing:

Since the menace of religious fundamentalism “has now also reached our cities, it demands a greater mobilization. We are aware that in over 30 years of religious fundamentalism rule in Iran, it has prosecuted its residents and has spread Islamic fundamentalism. The Committee calls on the French government to heighten its vigilance regarding the activities of fundamentalist networks affiliated with the Iranian regime in France.” Underscoring the solidarity of 14,000 mayors and elected officials with the Resistance of Iran and the residents of Ashraf and Camp Liberty, the declaration calls on the government to “use its influence on the Government of Iraq, in the European Union, and the United Nations to guarantee the protection of over 2,700 Iranian dissident, refugees in Camp Liberty, who are under persecution of forces under Tehran’s influence, to remove the medical blockade on the camp, and to place the camp under UNHCR supervision as a refugee camp.”

The mayors’ declaration condemned the intensification of human rights violations during Rouhani’s tenure and stressed that the nuclear talks “should not overshadow the somber reality of Iran… face-to-face with the horrors of the Iranian regime, there is a resistance that deserves our respect and support… a will to portray as ordinary the tyranny that is a so-called first ‘Islamic state’ in the region can inflame fundamentalism. The Committee calls on the government not to lose its vigilance and to oppose any concessions in face of ambiguities about Iranian regime’s clandestine nuclear project.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 25, 2014