Maryam Rajavi condemns execution of six Iranian Sunni political priosners


Terrified of wrath of people in Kurdistan, regime refuses to hand over bodies of the executed political priosners to their families and prevents them form holding rituals

NCRI – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, expressed great abhorrence for the oppressive measures by the religious dictatorship ruling Iran against the families of the six Sunni political prisoners hanged on Wednesday.

She said: “Measures such as refusing to hand over bodies of these victims to their families and preventing their burial in Kurdistan and holding ceremonies for them demonstrates the regime’s fear of the wrath and loath of the people, especially the brave youth of Kurdistan, for this anti-human crime.”

She called on the Iranian people throughout the country, especially the youth, to express their solidarity with families of the political priosners and to rush to assist them in these difficult times.

Rajavi added: “The regime of velayat-e faqih, engulfed in internal and external crises and in fear of popular uprising, is resorting to an unprecedented increase in mass and arbitrary executions as a mean for its surviaval, however, these despicable and repressive attempts shall not save this regime from its inevitable demise.”

On Wednesday, March 4, in addition to the six political prisoners, the anti-human clerical regime hanged another 15 prisoners in Ghezel Hessar Prison.

Mrs. Rajavi urged the international community, particularly the UN Secretary-General and the Security Council, the European Union, and the United States to unequivocally condemn the growing trend of executions and to adopt immediate measures to halt these executions and refer the dossier of the Iranian regime’s crimes to the International Criminal Court.

She underscored that silence and inaction emboldens this regime to continue with its atrocities aimed at preventing popular uprisings which so dreadfully needs to avert while the negotiations continue.

Wednesday afternoon, after hours of stalling and giving false promises to the families of the executed political prisoners in a cemetery in Karaj, clerical regime’s officials told the families that the bodies will not be given to them. They even refused to allow families to see the bodies of their loved ones or to participate in washing the bodies and holding religious ceremonies for their burial in adherence to their own religious rituals.

A number of these six political prisoners had been in prison since 2009 and some since 2011. They were severely tortured during their time in prison and had staged hunger strike for a long time.

A group of political prisoners in Iran condemened execution of their cellmates and said in a statement: “These days, the regime has its gallows working overtime with utmost savagery. In just a span of three days, it has executed 60 people, six of them Sunni prisoners of conscience. Accelerating executions as the regime is in need of West’s mercy in a deal on its dubious nuclear adventures is solely due to its fear of popular uprisings, deepening of rifts inside the ruling clique, social crises, and the disintegration of the regime. However, extreme pressures caused by broad poverty and oppression, has already taken the social crises to a point of no return.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
March 5, 2015

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