Maryam Rajavi condemned savage attacks against Palestinian people

Support for the efforts of President Mahmoud Abbas for an immediate ceasefire

Call on the international community to act to end the bombing and shelling of innocent citizens

Following the ruthless bombing of Shojaie in Gaza, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, once again strongly condemned the bombing of innocent Palestinian people, especially the women and children, by Israel. Mrs. Rajavi on behalf of the Iranian people and their Resistance expressed her empathy and condolences  to President Mahmoud Abbas, the fellow Palestinian people, and to the wounded and the bereaved families. 

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi called for urgent action by the international community to stop the massacre and the attacks against civilians and to end the bombing and shelling.

Mrs. Rajavi supported efforts by President Mahmoud Abbas for an immediate ceasefire and noted: The war in Gaza in the present circumstances serves the interests of the religious fascism ruling Iran, since it overshadows its atrocities in Syria and Iraq; and disrupts the project to end the division of Palestine and the establishment of a national unity government which is a great detriment to the Iranian regime.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 20, 2014

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