Maryam Rajavi calls on students for solidarity against mullahs’ regime

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi


Maryam Rajavi calls on university faculties, students and other social sectors
for solidarity and unity of action against mullahs’ regime

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the Iranian Resistance’s President-elect, hailed Iran’s university and high school students, teachers, professors as well as education and university faculties as “future makers” and wished them a fruitful year, with more extensive protests and advancement on the path of freedom and emancipation of the people of Iran.

In a partial review of the abysmal situation of education in Iran, Mrs. Rajavi said: Every year, at least a quarter of Iranian students have to quit school, a number of whom join child workers whose numbers are today estimated between 2 to 5 million. Many rural schools have been shut down in a drive to cut down the budget, and the policy of privatization of education, which is being expanded by Rouhani, has brought about only further anarchy and regression. The quality of education has sharply declined and the living standard of teachers and university professors has plummeted dramatically.

Mrs. Rajavi said: Today, Iranian students’ ardent calls for freedom and a democratic educational environment defy the mullahs’ medieval dictatorship. The ruling tyranny that has restrained universities from all sides, must be demolished.

In another part of her message, Mrs. Rajavi praised Iranian teachers’ courageous movement including their five nationwide protests in more than 90 cities. She said they have time and again demanded freedom of imprisoned teachers, recognition of education faculty’s right to protest, provision of student’s rights, freedom of guild activity, participation of teachers in educational structures, establishment of a pro bono system of education, and elimination of discrimination and inequality against teachers. But the ruling tyranny, she added, is not able to approach any of the teachers’ demands and has responded to their protests only by beatings and making arrests.

Spelling out the Iranian Resistance’s plans for tomorrow’s Iran, Mrs. Rajavi said: We are seeking a new order based on freedom, democracy and equality in Iran.

Among others she pointed to an advanced educational system which would be free for everyone and free of any political subjugation, a democratic higher education, freedom of ethnic minorities to preserve and promote their cultural, religious and lingual identity, and freedom to speak their mother tongue, elimination of all forms of repression and censorship, provision of freedom of expression and unrestricted activity, flourishing of political participation through provision of equality for all Iranian citizens in electing and getting elected, equality of men and women in all political, social, economic and family rights, and everyone’s enjoyment of equal opportunities for education, higher education, employment and business.

The Iranian Resistance’s President-elect said the time has come for unity of teachers, workers and nurses and stressed: The key is in the hands of the people of Iran. She called on all students and education faculty to unite in solidarity against the clerical regime and to establish a free and democratic Iran.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 22, 2015

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