Maryam Rajavi calls on all Iranians to actively support Dervishes and join their uprising

NCRI – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, saluted the rising Dervishes who have risen up through their hunger strike and invaluable resistance against torture and imprisonment of political prisoners that is one of the most heinous oppressions of the Iranian regime. She described their uprising as the symbol of extreme defiance and discontent of the Iranian society.

Mrs. Rajavi added, “The uprising of Dervishes following the uprising of Bakhtiari compatriots reveals the social readiness for emancipating uprising and overthrow of the Velayat-e fagih regime, especially because this move enjoys extensive amity and camaraderie of their compatriots, and people from many other Iranian cities have gone to Tehran to join them.

The courageous move of Dervishes and the compatriots who have rushed to support them has targeted a focal point of the existing repression which is the calamitous situation of political prisoners and has challenged the repression machine and the Velayat-e fagih’s basic pillar.”

Mrs. Rajavi called on all Iranians, especially the supporters of the Resistance and brave youth, to actively support the Dervishes and join their uprising. She reiterated that now that the Velayat-e faqih regime is engulfed in deadly crises, and infirmity and weakness has spread all over its body, the time has come for rising up and to disclose the will of the Iranian people for change.

Secretariat of the national Council of Resistance of Iran
March 9, 2014

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