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Video: Maryam Rajavi calls for UN probe into December rocket attack on Camp Liberty


Maryam Rajavi IRAN MEK PMOI NCRI CAMP Liberty

Call for an independent UN inquiry into rocket attacks on and massacre of Iranian dissidents in Iraq and demand for urgent action by US, EU and UN to secure protection of Camp Liberty residents

On Sunday, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, called for an independent inquiry by United Nations into the rocket attacks and massacre of Iranian refugees in Iraq.

She said: “For four months now the Iraqi government and its master (the Iranian regime) have been doing their utmost to cover up the reality of the September 1 massacre in Camp Ashraf. It is the responsibility of United States and the European Union to urge the United Nations to conduct an independent inquiry and prevent stonewalling by the government of Iraq. She warned that “The US, UN and EU have complete responsibility for anything that might happen to PMOI members in Camp Liberty” because the US has the obligation and the capacity to transfer all PMOI members to America, but so far has side-stepped this responsibility.

She stressed that abstention from urgent practical steps by the US, EU and UN to guarantee the safety and protection of Camp Liberty residents only emboldens the mullahs and their puppet government in Iraq to repeat their atrocities against the defenseless residents of Liberty on a much larger scale.

The President-elect of the Iranian Resistance was speaking at the National Council of Resistance Headquarters near Paris at a grand ceremony in commemoration of the most recent rocket attack victims of Camp Liberty, where close to 3,000 members of People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) are living in Iraq.

Camp Liberty was targeted by dozens of missiles and rockets on December 26 that killed four defenseless residents, who were ‘protected persons’ by the Geneva conventions, and injured another 70. This camp, situated in a protected area of Baghdad Airport, was attacked by agents of Maliki at the behest of the Iranian regime. So far, 38 rocket impact points have been identified. Some of the rockets were 280mm with a destructive power 20 times that of 107mm rockets.

French personalities, including elected officials from the Val d’Oise region such as Jean-Pierre Béquet, mayor of Auvers-sur-Oise, members of the regional council, and dignitaries such as the honorary governor and former head of the DST Yves Bonnet, former UN Chief of Human Rights Office in Iraq Tahar Boumedra, and religious leaders such as Bishop Gaillot, Sheik Khalil Merroun, head of d’Evry Mosque, Abderrahmane Dahmane, President of Council of Muslim Democrats of France, and a many other Iranians and supporters of the resistance from throughout Europe, participated in this ceremony. Speakers reiterated the explicit commitments by the international community, including the US, EU and UN. They emphasized that any political considerations in this issue are immoral, indefensible and tantamount to participation in the crime. In particular, they called on France to launch an initiative at the Security Council for protection of Camp Liberty residents and to launch an inquiry into the Ashraf massacre.

Mrs Rajavi called on the international community, in particular the US, EU, UN and the UN Security Council to adopt urgent measures to save the lives of these defenseless asylum-seekers. Among such measures, she called for minimum security provision in Camp Liberty, the immediate release of the seven Ashraf hostages, a comprehensive, independent, transparent and impartial probe by the United nations into the September 1 atrocity in Ashraf and the December 26 attack on Liberty, the abandonment of political considerations and the transfer asylum-seekers in Camp Liberty, especially the injured and the ailing, to European countries or the United States.

The rocket attack on Camp Liberty was carried out after 52 Iranian refugees in Iraq were massacred by Iraqi government forces at the behest of the Iranian regime and seven were taken hostage on September 1.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 5, 2014