Iranian Resistance condemns clerical regime’s aggression against Iraqi Kurdistan and calls on the UN Security Council and American Forces to stop these acts of war



NCRI – The Iranian Resistance strongly condemns violent deployment of the Revolutionary Guards and the terrorist Qods Force to Iraqi Kurdistan, occupation of parts of that country’s territory, and killing and wounding a number of Iranian Kurdish speaking dissidents and refugees in Iraqi Kurdistan, as well as rocket attacks and shelling of residential areas, killing the villagers and forcing them to leave their homes, and destroying their homes and farms.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the UN Security Council, the American Forces in Iraq, the Arab League, and the European Union to condemn these acts of war and invasion, and to take immediate steps for halting the continuation of these criminal aggressions.

Preventing access of those wounded to medical care and stopping their transfer to medical centers is a war crime which should be ended immediately.

Meanwhile, the Iranian regime has diverted the Alvand River which normally runs into Iraq, thereby endangering the lives and farming of people in the city of Khaneqain. This measure has invoked protests and demonstrations by the residents of that city.

The clerical regime’s attacks on Iraqi Kurdistan, employing many thousands of Revolutionary Guards and using heavy weaponry, is an unannounced war aimed at taking control of this region simultaneous with the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq. Iranian regime’s officials have announced that these attacks are taking place in agreement and coordination with the Iraqi officials.
These attacks have been discussed and agreed upon during recent visits to Iraq by Iranian regime’s high ranking officials and Iraqi officials’ trips to Iran, and are being carried out at the personal orders of Khamenei.

Acts of warfare and aggression in Iraqi Kurdistan is another manifestation of Iranian regime’s hidden occupation of Iraq through terrorist explosions in Baghdad and Basra and by meddling in all aspects of the political, security, military and bureaucratic affairs of that country.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 18, 2011

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