Iranian regime is in ‘final stage’ of collapse, Rajavi declares in Nowruz message

The Iranian New Year will mark a turning point in the struggle to overthrow the theocratic regime, which is now on the brink of collapse after 12 months of ‘consecutive failures’, Iranian Resistance President-elect Maryam Rajavi has declared in a message to the Iranian people.

She hailed the previous year 1392 as one of ‘momentum and achievement’ for the Iranian Resistance and said 1393 – beginning on March 21, 2014 – would be a year of uprisings for an Iran that is free of suppression, executions and poverty.

To mark the Persian New Year, or ‘Nowrouz’, Mrs Rajavi also praised the people of Iran, political prisoners, members of the NCRI, supporters of the Iranian Resistance and freedom fighters in Camp Liberty in Iraq, and said the mullahs’ plans to annihilate the Iranian people’s Resistance had failed.


She added: “Instead, they themselves succumbed to drinking from the chalice of poison that will lead to their ultimate overthrow.

“Throughout the year, workers, students, and other disenchanted parts of Iranian society resorted to protests, strikes or staging protest gatherings in front of regime institutions.

“The protests and uprisings of the Bakhtiaris in Khuzestan, Kohkilouye-va-Boyer Ahmad, and Isfahan, coupled with the courageous uprising of the Dervishes on the brink of the New Year as well of uprisings during the Fire Festival on the last days of the year, represented parts of the hurricane of anger and disenchantment that is swirling at the heart of Iranian society. 

“All that the regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, had done in the aftermath of the 2009 uprisings to shut people’s mouths and cut off their tongues has failed.”

She also condemned the series of barbaric attacks on Camps Liberty and Ashraf by the regime and its puppet government in Iraq.

She said: “Both Iran and the entire world were shaken and shocked by the brutality of the enemy during the massacre of September 1, 2013, which was juxtaposed with the self-sacrifices of the Ashrafi heroes who dedicated their lives.

“The people of Iran and the world saw the beating heart of perseverance against religious tyranny and the cure to fundamentalism in the Ashrafis.”

And she said the ‘struggle, perseverance, commitment and determination’ were the crown jewels of the Iranian Resistance’s accomplishments over the past year.

Mrs Rajavi added: “In contrast to the perseverance and gains of the Iranian people’s Resistance, the poison of defeat ran through the entire regime.

“Khamenei faced defeat during the regime’s sham presidential elections in June. This marked a defeat for the entirety of a regime that cannot preserve its balance of power without closing ranks and adopting a policy of complete contraction.”

The regime faced defeat in its nuclear program when it was forced to sign the Geneva nuclear accord in November 2013. And it also failed to prevent the economic collapse of the country, which dealt heavy blows to the ruling mullahs.

Mrs. Rajavi added: “In addition to all of these factors, consider the social appetite to bring about fundamental change as well as the existence of a democratic alternative and organized movement, to which the enemy itself repeatedly refers. This is a sign that the regime is in the final stage of being overthrown.

“As the New Year begins, let us once again express our vast and unshakeable commitment to the overthrow of the velayat-e faqih regime in its entirety and to free and liberate our homeland Iran.”


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