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Iran: Tehran and Isfahan residents protest against acid attack on women by regime’s gangs


Maryam Rajavi hailed the enraged people of Isfahan and Tehran and called on all Iranians to join the national movement in defense of women

NCRI – Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, hailed the people of Isfahan and Tehran for demonstrating to protest the anti-human crime by mullahs’ regime against women and called on all Iranians, especially women and youth, to join the national movement in defense of Iranian women. The faltering mullahs’ regime, engulfed in internal and external crises, is trying to avert the explosion of people’s wrath by resorting to these heinous crimes and creating an atmosphere of terror and fear, she said.

Mrs. Rajavi called on the international community to condemn this anti-human crime by mullahs’ regime and to adopt immediate measures through the UN Security Council to stop these crimes. She stated that the silence by the international community in face of these tragedies, for whatever reason, virtually encourages this regime and gives it a free hand to continue with these crimes in Iran.

On Wednesday, October 22, the enraged people of Isfahan and Tehran staged an extensive demonstration in protest against the barbarity of the regime-organized criminal gangs who splashacid on women and girls.

In Isfahan, despite closing down the streets where demonstration was taking place, extensive security provisions, and the heavy presence of suppressive elements, this demonstration was held with a dense crowd in Nikbakht Street across from the Justice building and also in the Chaharbagh Street. Similarly in Tehran, despite suppressive measures, a demonstration was held across from the Parliament.

The demonstrators chanted: “You victimized sister, you will remain in our heart”, “You worse than ISIS; you splash acid on us”, “Our parliament is our shame, our shame”, “Death to the one who splashes acid… death to one who splashed acid”, “Veiling cannot be achieved by coercion”, “With or without veil, we don’t want splashing of acid”, “The right of woman for security? Splashing acid, atrocity”, “Misogynic laws should be annulled”, “Public prosecutor be ashamed and leave your position”, and “Security forces, where are the eyes of my sister?”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
October 22, 2014