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Iran: Khamenei ordered rocket attack on Camp Liberty in coordination with Gov. of Iraq

16. In light of these very realities and in fear of international condemnations against brutal attack on Liberty, the mullahs’ regime and the Government of Iraq are distancing themselves from this crime and denying their role and involvement in it; such that even Danaifar, mullahs’ ambassador to Iraq,  said to Kol al-Iraq news agency during opening “an Iranian school” in Karbala, “We condemn the attack on Liberty; this is an attempt to foment crisis and to create a propaganda wave aimed at accusing Iran to be involved in this incident.”

Yet, the day after, IRGC news agency recanted Danaifar’s remarks and claimed that the statements of Iran’s ambassador had been distorted in Iraqi media. IRGC’s news agency wrote, “Hassan Danaifar, the ambassador of Islamic Republic of Iran, in an interview with Fars news agency reporter, said recent attack on Liberty temporary camp by an anonymous group … is for this group-let [PMOI] to imply being oppressed in a bid to return to Camp Ashraf, and added: the recent attack on Liberty temporary camp is suspicious and we believe that inner elements from the Monafeqin had organized this attack in order to imply before human rights organizations that they have been oppressed.”

17. Mullahs’ Foreign Ministry announced in Tehran on Tuesday February 12th, “recent attack against camp Liberty in Iraq” is something that has occurred “inside Iraq’s territory and has no connection with Islamic Republic… these measures and pretending to be oppressed is aimed at delaying implementation of the agreement” with UN to transfer PMOI members outside of Iraq, and the PMOI try to prevent have this agreement fail.

18. Under severe extensive international condemnations and while calls for return of Liberty residents to Ashraf grow, Iraqi Foreign Ministry announced on Monday February 11 in a statement full of lies, “Al-Hurriya temporary camp  of members of “MEK” was exposed to a terrorist attack by an anonymous party, and the camp was targeted with 25 mortar rounds.” This is while Iraq’s Foreign Ministry knows well that those who ordered for the crime are sitting in the Iranian regime’s embassy and Iraqi Prime Ministry which are only few hundred meters away from the Ministry. Iraqi Foreign Ministry speaks of 25 mortar rounds while Iraqi military experts specified after visiting the location that the attack has been carried out by 107mm rockets and they have observed and identified 38 locations where the rockets had landed.

19. Iraqi foreign ministry has added, “Iraqi authorities have planned and started measures to identify criminals who committed this terrorist and criminal act and have started quick investigation to bring them to justice for a fair punishment.” Promising for investigation and trial by the Government of Iraq about a crime that it has had the major role in it cannot fool any kid. Investigations over crimes of 28-29 July 2009 and 8 April 2011have been forgotten too.
20. Yet, if the Government of Iraq is sincere in what it is claiming of not having been involved in this crime:

First: It should end the four and half-year-long siege against the resident,  and it should permit international investigative delegations, observers, reporters and lawyers to enter Liberty to observe remnants of this crime.

Secondly: By returning Liberty residents to Ashraf, it should provide security to residents against recurrence of similar attacks in future.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 13, 2013