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Iran: Khamenei ordered rocket attack on Camp Liberty in coordination with Gov. of Iraq

11- To inflict the most casualties, the second group was to fire another 60 rockets one hour after the first attack at a time when Camp Liberty residents are busy transferring the killed and wounded of the first attack.

However, a number of those in the second group were arrested by Iraqi soldiers and officers who were not aware of this terroristic crime which made execution of the second phase of the attack impossible. The sixty rockets left behind by this group were subsequently observed and collected by Iraqi forces. Those arrested were hurriedly released that same day through interference from Iraq’s Prime Ministry.

12- Since everyone knows that Kataeb Hezbollah is a terrorist group created by mullahs’ regime that operates in coordination with Maliki’s office, the clerical regime and Government of Iraq resorted to a new scheme to mislead; hence, they created a fictitious terrorist group called Jaish Al-Mokhtar to wash off their bloody hands from this crime. On February 9, Mullah Wathiq al-Battat, head of the new terrorist entity, assumed responsibility for the attack on Camp Liberty. However, Jaish al-Mokhtar is just a pseudonym for Kataeb Hezbollah that advances the dirty and bloody conspiracies of Khamenei and Maliki in Iraq.

13- Ironically, Jaish al-Mokhtar announced its existence on February 4, just five days prior to the rocket attack on Camp Liberty, and declared: “Jaish al-Mokhtar supports the central government in the fight against corruption and the corrupt and in facing terrorist organizations such as al-Qaeda and the Free Army.” (Iraqi news agencies and media)

Subsequently, this declaration of existence was welcomed by clerical regime’s media, especially the IRGC and the website of IRGC’s previous commander.

According to a report by Iraqi television station Al-Rafedain, hours after this declaration of existence, a group of Maliki’s terrorists conducted a military parade in Sanaeh Club under the name of Jaish al-Mokhtar with protection from army and police forces.

14. According to credible Arab media like al-Hayat, Asharq Al-Awsat and Ilaf, calling this entity as “Mokhtar”(A name that symbolizes revenge) is a symbolic reference to Maliki himself. Asharq Al-Awsat wrote in this regard on February 11, “Mokhtar army has been created aimed at supporting Iraqi government for security control.” This paper adds that in slogans cried recently in Baghdad in support of Maliki by groups affiliated to him, Maliki was described as “Mokhtar of this era”. This group has threatened dissident leaders in Iraq, such as al-Iraqiya and organizers of anti-Maliki rallies, with physical annihilation.

15. In a deceitful and ridiculous move, Maliki ordered for the arrest of Mullah Battat. However, according to Arab media including Asharq Al-Awsat (February 11) and Iraqi Rafidain TV channel (February 10), Wathiq al-Battat along with six of his body guards have left Iraq for Syria, and Iraqi security agencies at the border were also quite aware of his passage.