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Increasing pressure on families of Ashraf residents in prison and confirmation of death sentence for two supporters of the PMOI by the Iranian Supreme Court

Call for preventing the execution of political prisoners and  to stop exerting pressure on families of Mojahedin

NCRI – The mullahs’ regime Supreme court confirmed the death sentence for political prisoner Gholamreza Khosrawi, 47, for providing financial aid to PMOI and mullahs-fabricated charge of Moharebeh (fighting against God). Mr. Khosrawi, has spent five years in the regime’s medieval prisons in the 80’s in Kazeroun. He was again arrested in 2007 in Rafsanjan and was condemned to 6 years in prison. In 2010, the henchmen took him to Evin prison and tried him for providing financial support for Mojahedin and condemned him to death. He has spent more than 40 months in solitary confinement.

Meanwhile, the death sentence for Mr. Abdolreza Ghanbari, 45, has been confirmed by the Supreme Court for his links to PMOI. Mr. Ghanbari, a university professor, was first arrested in 2007 because of his support for PMOI and was expelled from the university. After his expulsion, he worked as a teacher in Pakdasht, Varamin. On December 27, 2009, on the day of Ashura uprising, he was once again arrested and condemned to death for his contacts with PMOI under the charge of Moharebeh.

The mullahs’ regime has also intensified inhuman pressures on families of PMOI members in Ashraf who are in Iranian prisons.

Evin’s henchmen deny medical treatment for Ali Moezzi, 63, suffering from cancer, kidney failure and severe arthritis, in order to inflict a slow death on him. He is one of the political prisoners of the 80s who was arrested in November 2008 in Tehran for visiting his two children in Ashraf.  He was arrested for the third time on June 15, 2011, while he had just undergone a surgery and was in terrible condition, and subsequently transferred to solitary section 209 of Evin.  The reason for his arrest was his participation in the funeral of Mohsen Dokmehchi, a PMOI prisoner who died a slow death in prison due to denial of medical treatment.
Mashallah Haeri, 61, a relative of Ashraf residents who was hospitalized for treatment outside the prison hospital, was again arrested with his wife and taken to section 209 of Evin. He is a political prisoner of the 80s who suffers from various diseases including heart disease and internal bleeding and has so far had two strokes. In December 2009, while hospitalized, he was arrested and taken to Evin Prison. The regime’s judiciary condemned him to 15 years prison for visiting his son in Ashraf.

Ms. Kobra Banazadeh Amirkhizi, who lost one of her eyes’ vision due to torture; her other eye is on the verge of blindness due to the regime’s denial of her treatment. In 2008, she was arrested and sentenced to 5 years in prison simply because she intended to travel and visit relatives in Ashraf.

The Iranian resistance calls on international organizations and bodies, especially the High Commissioner for Human Rights and rapporteurs on arbitrary arrests, torture and execution to act immediately to stop these criminal sentences.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 4, 2012