Camp Liberty: Iraq prevents delivery of truck load of basic items purchased by residents

Camp Liberty-52

Upon order by the Iraqi Prime Ministry committee tasked with suppression of Camp Liberty residents, Iraqi forces on Tuesday, September 11, prevented a truck carrying many items purchased by the residents from entering the camp. The truck was stopped at the camp’s inspection point and the Iraqi plainclothes agents postponed  its entry to next day.

The truck was carrying basic necessities such as: ordinary and electric bicycles and tricycles for the disabled and patients, sacks, insecticides, wrist and elbow splints, notebooks, soaps, detergent powder, spatulas for kitchen, electrical cables, fluorescent lamps, light bulbs, and spare parts for utility vehicles.
The move took place at very same day that the GoI, in an effort to conceal the realities at the camp, had organized a ridiculous tour for some Baghdad based diplomats and journalists to visit the camp. At the propaganda show, George Bakoos, a political adviser to Nouri-al Maliki, told diplomats that GoI is providing the residents with all their humanitarian needs. The residents informed the visiting diplomats of the Iraqi forces blocking the entry of truck load of items.
On the next day, for the second consecutive day, the plainclothes agents prevented the truck from entering the camp as was ordered by Sadeq Muhammad Kazem who  informed the residents that the items can only enter the camp after being inspected by a team of experts from the Prime Minister’s office.
On the third day, around 13:30 local time, at the presence of UNAMI monitors, Sadeq told the residents that the entry of items such as bicycles and tricycles and  insecticides is not allowed. He ridiculously argued that “insecticides are harmful to the bugs and you must not use them against bugs”! Finally he ordered that truck to be returned without items being delivered.
Furthermore, Sadeq prevented the entry of a car load of plants and flowers to the camp. He said the entry of any plants to the camp is forbidden. This is while on September 11, during the diplomats visit to the camp, Georg Bakoos said that “there is no ban on the entry of trees which are not more than 150cm. However, two days later, Sadeg prevented the delivery of  plants taller than 15cm. 

The Iranian Resistance draws the attention of the US  and EU to GoI’s violations of humanitarian and human rights standards and the MoU signed between GoI with UN, and urges them to compel Iraq to implement its commitments.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 14, 2012

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