Addressing the conference at Paris District 2 City Hall


Maryam Rajavi calls for international investigation of the 1988 massacre in Iran and bringing its perpetrators to justice

In an address to a meeting at the Paris District 2 City Hall, the Iranian Resistance’s President-elect Maryam Rajavi called for an international probe into the 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran and bringing its perpetrators to justice, those who presently hold senior political, judicial and intelligence posts in the clerical regime.

The Paris District 2 meeting on August 24, 2016, commemorated the anniversary of the 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran and censured continuation of mass executions in Iran. The program coincided with the anniversary of the liberation of Paris on August 24, 1944.
Maryam Rajavi admired the perseverance of the French heroes who stood up to Hitler’s fascism. She said: The international community’s inaction in the face of the crimes of the religious fascism ruling Iran, particularly vis-à-vis the 1988 massacre, only emboldens the Iranian regime in continuing its suppression and crimes in Iran and abroad.

In a tour to the Paris District 2 exhibition displaying photos of the massacred political prisoners, Maryam Rajavi paid homage to the victims including teenagers, pregnant women, and elderly parents. She said the movement to obtain justice for 30,000 political prisoners massacred in 1988 is part of the resistance movement for Iran’s freedom. The movement, she said, demands that the names of the victims, addresses of their graves and names of the perpetrators of this crime be published.

Mr. Jacques Boutault, mayor of Paris’s 2nd District, opened the meeting. A number of French personalities attended and addressed the meeting. They included Rama Yade, former Minister of Human Rights; Jean-Pierre Brard, former French lawmaker and Mayor of Montreuil; Jean-Pierre Bequet, former Mayor of Auvers sur-Oise; and former Columbian presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt.

The exhibition also featured a number of former Iranian political prisoners recounted for the audience parts of the clerical regime’s savagery and the courage and perseverance of political prisoners in the course of the 1988 massacre.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 24, 2016

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