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HomeStatementsStatements: President-electIRAN: Khuzestan Province residents protest the rise in gasoline prices

IRAN: Khuzestan Province residents protest the rise in gasoline prices

Price rise in gasoline cause vast protests in Iran

Subsequent to the tripling of gasoline prices, the impoverished people, enraged over the plundering of their resources by the mullahs’ corrupt regime, staged protests in many Iranian cities. The protests became more widespread Friday afternoon in different cities in the southwestern Khuzestan Province.

Residents in the cities of Ahvaz, Khorramshahr, Andimeshk, Dezful, Behbahan, and Mahshahr staged demonstrations, chanting anti-regime slogans and blocking the streets and highways by setting ablaze tires.

Terrified of the outbreak of popular uprisings, the regime had put the State Security Force, the Ministry of Intelligence and Security, the Judiciary and other suppressive forces in different cities on full alert since five days ago.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) hailed the people of Khuzestan, who have arisen to protest the rise in gasoline prices, and called on the young people to join the ranks of the protesters. She emphasized that this would be the only way to get rid of high prices, poverty, inflation and calamities the mullahs’ regime has inflicted on the Iranian people. Mrs. Rajavi added that by tripling gasoline prices, the mullahs further impoverish the people.  The economic lifeline is controlled by [regime’s Supreme Leader] Ali Khamenei, Hassan Rouhani and the billion-dollar thieves working with them. They pillage the people’s wealth for warmongering, unpatriotic nuclear & missile programs to usurp people’s sovereignty, the NCRI President-elect said.   

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

November 14, 2019