Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Iran: COVID-19 fatalities surpass 502,900

The regime’s Health Ministry: The COVID-19 status in 120 cities is red, 167 yellow, 153 orange, and eight blue. (ISNA news agency, February...

Iran: State Security Force Murders a Young Arab Compatriot in Shush

IRGC Brutally Murders a Ten-year-Old Fuel Porter in Zabol On Monday, January 31, 2022, following an attack by the State Security Force (SSF) on a...

Iran: COVID-19 Takes the Lives of More Than 502,200

Number of Patients in Past 24 Hours Tripled Compared To Last Week The regime Health Ministry: The number of Omicron patients is much higher...

Iran: Activities of Resistance Units on the Eve of the Anniversary of 1979 Anti-monarchical...

On the eve of the anniversary of the 1979 anti-monarchy uprising, during which the clerical regime usurped the people's revolution and turned it into...

Iran: Seven Prisoners Hanged in Rasht, Maragheh, Zahedan, and Urmia

On Monday morning, January 31, 2022, the clerical regime hanged Hossein Kaveh, 50, in Lakan (Rasht) Prison after nine years in prison. On Sunday, January...

Iran Protests: Teachers’ Nationwide Protests in 120 Cities

Protesters Chant: “The Illiterate, Six Grader (Ebrahim) Raisi, What Happened to Your Promises?” “The Government Betrays, Majlis (Parliament) Supports It,” “Political Prisoners Must Be...

Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll Surpasses 501,500

While State-controlled Figure for the Past 24-Hour COVID-19 Patients Has Quadrupled Compared To Last Week, Raisi Instructed That the Enclosure of Any Information Needs...

Iran: Second Day of Nationwide Teachers Protests in 125 Cities (30 Provinces)

Teachers chant: "Imprisoned teachers must be freed," "We won’t tolerate so much oppression and discrimination," "Teachers despise discrimination" Nationwide protest of nurses and medical staff...
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Iran: The Retaliatory Chained Cyber-attacks on Mojahedin Website by MOIS and IRGC Thwarted

The Fourth Attack Thwarted 2.2m RPS Friday Noon The frenzied retaliatory cyber-attacks on the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/PMOI) website by the IRGC and the clerical regime’s...

Iran: Irlu Regime’s Terrorist-diplomat in Yemen Was One of the Main Perpetrators of the...

In an interview with IRNA, the regime’s official news agency, daughter of Hassan Irlu, the commander of the terrorist Quds force in Yemen, admitted...