Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Resistance Units’ Activities in Three Major Cities

Iran: Isfahan: Resistance Units Project MEK’s Emblem Marking the Anniversary of MEK Founders’ Execution in May 1972 Shiraz and Lahijan: Resistance Units Broadcast Anti-regime Slogans The activities...

Collapse of the 10-Story Building In Abadan Leaves Many Dead

Experts’ Warnings Had Been Ignored Outraged People of Abadan Expel the Mayor From the Scene According to the state-run media, yesterday, the incomplete 10-story metropolitan building...

Iranian Resistance Unmasks Regime’s Judiciary’s Classified Documents – No. 6

List of Names of 12 Million Prisoners in the Clerical Regime From June 20, 1981, to May 6, 2022 The list includes 579,015 women...

Tehran: Defiant Youths Target the Headquarters of the Regime’s Prisons Organization

Tehran: Defiant Youths Target the Headquarters of the Regime’s Prisons Organization, Responsible for Torturing, Executing, and Murdering Prisoners Though Mistreatment and Deprivation At 10:30 pm...

UN Special Rapporteur’s Visit to Iran Justifies the Clerical Regime’s Criminal and Plundering Policies

As Iranian cities rise up against criminal and plundering mullahs and protest against high prices, poverty, and inflation, the ruling religious fascism is using...

Iran: Khamenei Elevates State Security Force (SSF) Command and Call for Formation of SSF’s...

Motion To Establish an Organization for Judiciary’s Security and Intelligence in Regime’s Parliament On Khamenei’s orders, and to counter public anger and disgust to prevent...

Iran: Four Executions on May 17 and 18, Eight Executions in One Week in...

Baluch Prisoner Sentenced To Hang in Public The mullahs’ regime judiciary hanged three prisoners named Farshad Nematzadeh, Mehdi Shirchian, and Eshaqi in Amol Central Prison...

Uprising of the People of Golpayegan, Central Iran

The Uprising of the People of Golpayegan With the Slogan “Khamenei Is a Murderer, His Rule Is Illegitimate”, “Raisi, Have Some Shame, Let Go...

Iran: Resistance Units Project Images of the Leaders of the Iranian Resistance in Rasht...

The anti-repression activities of the Resistance Units on Monday evening, May 16, 2022, include:  Rasht (north Iran): The Resistance Units projected an image, 10...

Iranian Resistance Unmasks Regime’s Judiciary’s Classified Documents – No. 5

According to the Prisons’ Organizations, 5,197 people are on death row or convicted of Qisas (retribution) 107 prisoners are sentenced to amputation, 51 were sentenced...