Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Second Week of Abadan’s Uprising, Protests in Eight Cities Reported

Second Week of Abadan’s Uprising, Solidarity Protests in Semnan, Kermanshah, Kazerun, Bushehr, Shadegan, Izeh, Fasa, and Naziabad District in Tehran Protesters Chant: “Death to Khamenei,” “Death...

Bagheri Kani’s Presence in Oslo Encourages Iran Regime’s Terrorism, Malign Activities

Scheduled Meeting With Norway’s FM by Iran Regime’s Deputy FM Encourages Human Rights Abuses, Export Terrorism, Warmongering, Quest To Acquire Nuclear Weapons The Representative of...

Abadan’s Uprising Continued for the Seventh Night, Running

Abadan’s Solidarity Protests in Masjed Soleyman and Kazerun With the Slogans “Shame on the Leader (Khamenei)” “We Are All Warriors, Let’s Fight and We Will...

Iranian Agents Attack Peaceful Protestors, This Time in Brussels

Clerical Regime Agents Attack MEK Supporters’ Rally Brussels in Support of Abadan Uprising In a desperate reaction to the solidarity protests in various cities of...

Thirteen Iranian Cities Joined Abadan’s Uprising for the Fourth Night Running

Iran – Protests No. 4 Protests in Ahvaz, Khorramshahr, Omidiyeh, Shiraz, Behbahan, Shahinshahr, Isfahan, Yazd, Bushehr, Bandar Abbas, Mahshahr, Sar-bandar, and Baghmalek in Support of...
massacre of 30,000 political prisoners In Iran

Iran: Regime’s New Measures To Destroy Evidence of 1988 Massacre in Khavaran

Iran: Regime’s new restrictions in Khavaran Cemetery to facilitate the destruction of 1988 massacre’s evidence The psychological torture of the families and relatives of victims...

Iran: 10 Executions in One Day, at Least 19 Executions, Including Three Women in...

Khamenei's henchmen hanged ten prisoners, including a woman, in Gohar Dasht, Qarchak, Varamin, and Tehran prisons on Wednesday, May 25, 2022. Eight of these...

Angry People of Abadan’s Uprising for the Third Night Running

Abadan’s Solidarity Protests in Khorramshahr, Behbahan, Shahinshahr, Bandar Abbas Protesters Chanted: “Khamenei Is a Murderer, His Rule Is Illegitimate,” “Raisi, Shame on You, Leave the...

Congratulations to the Relatives of the Victims of the Ukrainian Plane Crash

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) congratulates the relatives of the victims of the Ukrainian plane, shot down by the...

Iran: Angry People of Abadan Protest Burying People Alive Under the Rubble of the...

Protesters Chanted: “People of Abadan, Rise Up; Your Brother Was Killed,” “Guns, Tanks Are No Longer Effective, Mullahs Must Go,” “Death to the Dictator,”...