Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Appointment of new SSF chief, a major step toward stepped-up repression

Iran appointment of new SSF chief, a major step toward stepped-up repression

Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei appointed Brig. Gen. Ismail Ahmadi Moqaddam as the commander of the State Security Forces, SSF. He was hitherto the number...
Iran: Seven hangings, execution verdicts in five days

Iran: Seven hangings, execution verdicts in five days

Subsequent to the election of Revolutionary Guardsman-terrorist Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as president, the clerical regime hanged six people and sentenced another to death in...
Today, supporters of the Iranian Resistance held gatherings, seminars, rallies and conferences in 40 cities across the world

Rallies, gatherings by Iranians in 40 cities worldwide on anniversary of July 9 uprising

Rallies, gatherings by Iranians in 40 cities worldwide on anniversary of July 9 uprising Call for an end to appeasement, removal of terror...
Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS)

Iranian intelligence agent sent to France to conspire against Iranian Resistance

As the June 17 case is beginning to falter, the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) is planning to send an already exposed...

Mrs. Rajavi condemns London bombings, condoles Prime Minister, people of Britain

In a telegram to the British Prime Minister yesterday, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, offered her condolences to the people of...

Maryam Rajavi urges G8 leaders to stop appeasing mullahs, adopt decisive policy on Iran

In separate letters to the leaders of the eight industrialized nations, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the Iranian Resistance’s President-elect, called on them to end the...

Iranian Resistance calls on Austria to reveal role of Ahamdinejad in murder of dissidents

Iranian Resistance calls on Austrian government to reveal role of Ahamdinejad, other Tehran leaders in murder of dissidents In a letter...

Desperate to cover up Ahmadinejad’s role, Tehran names three dead persons in embassy picture

Desperate to cover up Ahmadinejad’s role in hostage taking, Tehran names three dead persons in embassy picture Khatami’s deputy, advisor confirm Ahmadinejad’s role in...

Iranian Resistance calls for issuance of international arrest warrant for mullahs’ new President

A look at the past record of mullahs’ new president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, shows that his path to power has been paved with murder, assassination,...

Iranian Resistance urges international community to help save the life

Iranian Resistance urges international community to help save the life of Iranian athlete Mr. Ebdal Karimi, an official and trainer...